Chapter 17

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Quick PSA: I'm more than thankful for all of the reads but comments are what keep me going and get updates out quicker. I would appreciate more feedback and less ghost readers.

-Shardaé 💋


I rolled over in bed and opened my eyes. Chris was no longer laying there. I sat up and stretched before getting out of bed.

"Babe?" I called as I walked out of my room. I shook my head when I realized that he was gone. It's becoming routine with him.

I fixed a bowl of strawberries and scrolled through my messages.

I responded to Riley before locking my phone and going into the living room

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I responded to Riley before locking my phone and going into the living room. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. Luckily, I didn't have class today. I really need to figure out what our project is going to be on. Since we got the highest grade on the last project, Dr. B wants us to create a mural on campus. I'll probably just let him do whatever and follow his lead. He's very creative with his art so I'll let him shine.

"You finally up?" Chris smirked as he walked in.

"I know you did not leave my door unlocked."

"Chill. I just stepped out for a minute. I came right back."

"Yea. Ok. Better be glad I hadn't noticed or your ass would've been locked out."

"Whatever. We working on our project today?" He sat beside me.

"If you want to."

"Let's get to it then. I got my spray paint in my car."

"Cool." I walked to my bedroom and slipped on some sweatpants and an oversized shirt.

I grabbed my keys off of the dresser. I locked my front door and made my way outside. Chris was already outside on his phone, waiting. He quickly hung up when he spotted me walking towards him.

"I have to be back by 4." I commented as I got in the car.


"Riley is coming today. I have to get her from the airport."

"You need to chill out with all these friends. Amber, Riley....You getting outta hand now. I don't like that shit."

"Excuse me?" I turned towards him

"You heard me. I didn't say shit when she visited the first time. Then you started hanging with Amber and I definitely don't like her and now Riley coming back for what? You doing too much."

"I can do whatever I please. And besides, Riley is my best friend."

"Nah. No you can't. Not as long as you're mine."

"Chris shut up. You sound real stupid right now."

He slammed on the brakes

"What the fuck!" I yelled

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