Chapter 53

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I carefully placed Dakota in his car seat. We get to go home today. I am beyond ready to leave.

"You got everything?" Jay walked into the room

"Yep. We're all packed up and ready to go." I smiled

He picked up his seat and carried him out.  I held on to his arm as we walked to the car.

I couldn't wait to get home to se my other baby and be in the comfort of my own home.

I sat in the back with Kody while Jay drove.

"You good back there?" Jay asked

"Yes." I smiled, never taking my eyes off of the baby.

"So I have to wait 6 weeks huh?"

"Yes you do."

"That's pure torture."

"No it's not. I'll help you through it."

"Ooh, tryna give me that neck. I'm with that shit."

I laughed at him and shook my head.

He pulled into the driveway and turned the car off. He opened the door for me and helped me out and then got the carseat out.

His mom was waiting at the front door with Lyric.

"Kody!" I heard her little voice. "I hold him?" She ran over to me

"You want to hold him?"

She quickly nodded her head.

"Go sit on the couch and I'll bring him to you."

She climbed onto the chair and held her arms out.

I walked over with the baby in my arms. I sat beside her first then placed him on her lap. She sat there and looked at him. She would occasionally look up at me and Jay. Kody began to whine and her eyes grew wide.

"Ooooo" She grabbed his pacifier off of the chair and put it in his mouth. "Shh" she carefully patted his head.

"She's so grown." Jay commented

"I know."

Riley and Amber stopped by to see the baby for a little while. Both of them commented on how much he looks like Jay. He definitely has his eyes.

2 months later

I sat on the bed with Kody and Lyric beside me. They were watching tv and I was on my phone looking at wedding dresses.

"What you doing baby?" Jay walked from out the living room pulling his shirt off.

"Wedding planning. Where you going?"

"To play ball for a little bit. I'll be back later."


I watched as his kissed Lyric's cheek then kody's. He came to my side of the bed and repeatedly kisses my lips. He licked my lips before running into the closet.

"You know I hate that!"

"I love you too!" He laughed

He came out with different shirt and a jacket on.

"Alright baby. I'll be back."

"You just hopping in clothes. Stank self."

He laughed. "I'm playing ball with a bunch of niggas, if they sniffing me, thats gay. Ima be sweating anyway." He shrugged

"Ok. Make sure you be careful with your leg. Don't push it."

"Yes mother." He walked out the room


I unlocked my car doors and got inside. I drove over to the basketball court. Everybody wasn't there yet so I walked down to the corner store.

I walked around looking for the sunflower seeds. I found them and as I reached for them, a small hand reached for the same bag.

"Oops. I'm sorry." She giggled

"You good."

"Those are my favorite." She smiled

"Mine too." I returned the smile.

"Are you from around here?"


"Really? What's your name? I've never seen you around before."

"Jayceon." I shrugged as she talked. I was not trying to have a conversation right now. I want my sunflower seeds and thats it.

"We should hang out sometime. Have some fun. You're cute. You don't want to know my name?"

"Nah I don't actually" I shook my head "and thanks but no thanks."

"Let me guess. You have a girlfriend?" She smirked

"A fiancé." I corrected her. "And two children." I grabbed another bag of sunflower seeds. "Nice chatting though."

I walked up the aisle and paid for my things and went back to the court to wait for these slow asses to get here.


I watched Red and Keeis play the game. Keeis was mad because he was losing.

"I got next." I laughed

"Shut up." Keeis snapped

"I'ma go to the store real quick. I'll be back." I smacked the back of his head.

I hopped in my car and sped off to the store. I swerved through the streets and sung along to the music on the radio. I pulled into the parking lot and jumped out.

Walking up the side of the store, I saw a familiar face inside. I stopped and looked to see if it was who I thought it was. I laughed and pulled out my phone, snapping a picture before walking inside.

I grabbed my snacks and was out. I threw everything in the passenger seat and went back home.

I sat on the chair and opened my chips. I scrolled through my Instagram. I liked a few pictures and exited the app. I pulled up my messages and went to her name.


I rocked Kody as he was going to sleep. My phone vibrated and I rolled my eyes.

404-691-9690 : wyd 👀

What do you want? : me

404-691-9690 : I miss you 😘😍

Bye : me

404-691-9690 : Wait! Just thought I'd let you know your man aint all that good like he claim to be 😏

What are you talking about? 🙄 : me

404-691-9690: I'll just show you

404-691-9690 :

404-691-9690 :

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