Chapter 4

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"Ok class. Over the next few months, you will be completing a rather large project. Your canvas must be over 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. You will have partners for this assignment so it is critical to show what both people are capable of." She smiled

I quietly sighed and looked down at my phone. Everyone in class began to look around, trying to pick partners.

"Settle down class." Dr. B laughed "I'm picking the partners." She smirked

"Great." I mumbled

I zoned out, staring at the wall. I just sat there, tuning everyone out. I was ready to leave. I jumped when someone tapped my shoulder.

He laughed and sat beside me. "I didn't mean to scare you. We're partners."

"Fuck" I mentally cursed.

"I'm Chris." He held his hand out.

"Lauren." I smiled and shook his hand.

"So, what are you good at? What do you like to draw?" He turned sideways in the chair.

"Um, I like to do realistic drawings."

He nodded. He looked deep in thought.

"I got it. You could do a couple realistic drawings and I can add in my specialty, monsters." He smirked

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled

"Cool. Give me your number. I'll get the supplies after my last class today and we can start on this today." He handed me his phone

I typed in my contact information and gave him his phone back.

"Make sure you have some food for a nigga." He laughed

"I got you." I smiled as I looked down.

He leaned over, closer to me. "This shyness has to go."

I covered my face so he couldn't see me blush.

He laughed again. "I'll see you tonight." He got up and walked out of the class.

I grabbed my things and quickly walked out. I practically speed walked to my apartment.

I began to clean up as soon as I got there.


Chris should be here any minute now. He texted me about 15 minutes ago asking for my address. I got pizza and wings delivered for him.

I told Riley about this whole situation and she still believes it a 'sign'. I laughed at my thoughts.

I got up and grabbed a bottled water from the kitchen. There was a knock at the door as I walked to the living room.

"Coming!" I yelled

I opened the door and there was a huge canvas there.

"I hope its big enough." I joked

He laughed and handed me a couple bags filled with art supplies. He walked in and went to the living room.

"I actually have an art room. You can take the canvas in there. Second door on the left." I instructed

I followed behind him. He sat the canvas down in the area I cleared.

"So you ready to get started?." He turned around. "This should b......" he trailed off as his eyes roamed my body.

My smiled dropped and I looked down at myself. Great. How could I forget that I was in a sports bra and boy shorts? I immediately covered myself in embarassment.

"I'm sorry. I'll be right back." I backed out of the room and quickly went into mine.

I ran to the closet and pulled on an oversized hoodie and some leggings.

I calmed myself and walked back across the hall. I watched as he looked around at my different paintings. Riley shipped them all down here for me.


"Very." He turned around and slightly frowned. "You didn't have to change."

"Oh yes I did. Now let's get started." I changed the subject


"You lost your virginity at 9 years old?" I asked in shock

"Yep." Chris responded, grabbing another slice of pizza.

"That's crazy." I laughed

"What about you?"

"Still got it."


I nodded

"Wow. That's actually amazing."

Chris and I have been sitting here getting to know each other. He's actually a nice guy. I can't believe I'm this comfortable around a guy, especially one as fine as him.

"Ok, let's get back to work." He stood up

I walked over to the canvas and picked up my brush. I finished up the hair on the girl that I painted. Chris walked up and began to spray paint in his part of the project. I stepped back and watched as he concentrated.

He was painting for an hour straight before stopping. He came over and sat beside me.

"You ever spray paint?"

"Nope. Looks hard."

"Come on." He stood up and held his hands out.

I grabbed his hands and stood up. He walked over to the canvas and picked up a can

"Here." He handed it to me

I stood there holding the can "I don't want to mess it up."

He laughed and stood behind me. "I'll help you." He placed his hand over mine and guided me as I made lines.

I tensed up when I felt him lean closer against me. And then my phone rang. I stepped away from him and answered my phone.


"Your boyfriend still there?" Riley's loud voice came through the phone.

I looked over at Chris to make sure he didn't hear her.

"He's not my boyfriend and yes. I'll call you back." I hung up

"It must be nice living here by yourself." Chris commented as he continued to paint.

"It's cool. I like it."

"I wish I lived alone. I could kill my roommate sometimes." He laughed

We laughed and joked around for the rest of the night. At one point, i was chasing him around the room because he 'accidentally' sprayed me.

Maybe Atlanta isn't so bad after all.

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