Chapter 25

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3:52 AM

I laid in bed and looked at my bathroom door. I really don't feel like getting up right now.

"Babe, let me up. I have to use the bathroom."

Jay groaned and mumbled something before rolling over.

I got up, used the bathroom and washed my hands.

I flicked the bathroom lights off and closed the door.

Loud banging caused me to sigh loudly. "I don't have time for Chris' shit tonight."

I laid back down but the banging continued.

"The fuck is that?" Jay asked, still half sleep

"I'll get it."

I walked to the front door and stood there. "What is it?"

"Let me in."

"No, I'm not. I told you I'm done. I don't want you here."

"Please Lauren. I love you." His words slurred

"Are you drunk?"

He remained silent

"Go home Chris. I'll call you an uber."

"Fuck that! Fuck you! I should've never started fucking with your stupid ass."

"I say the same thing. Get some help."

I walked back to my bedroom and laid down. Jayceon wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

He placed kisses on my neck before going back to sleep.

I drifted off to sleep shortly after.


"Lauren." Riley tapped me. "Wake yo ass up. You got a problem to handle."

"What?" I looked at her with one eye closed and the other halfway opened

"Get up." She pulled my arm

"Ok. Ok." I stretched before getting up and following behind her.

"Look at this shit." Riley opened the front door.

Chris was laying there sleep in front of my front door. I shook my head and closed the door and locked it.

"He'll get up eventually." I shrugged

"So you're just going to leave him there?"

"I didn't put his ass there. It's not my responsibility to move him."

"Yeah, but-"

"But nothing." I cut her off. "I'm done with him."

"He can't stay there though."

I sighed loudly and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of cold water out of the fridge.

I poured the freezing water onto his head and he quickly sat up.

"Go home Chris."

"Lauren." He paused "I need to talk to you. Please."

"For what? I don't want to hear anything you have to say."

"Cool." He nodded before standing up. "I'll leave."

I closed the door and went back to my bedroom. Jay was sitting up on his phone.

 Jay was sitting up on his phone

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