Chapter 47

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Jay and I sat at the dinner table waiting for our food. A familiar laugh pulled me from our conversation. I looked around the restaurant but didn't see him.

"You okay?"

I nodded. "I'm fine. What were you saying?"

"Nothing important. You look beautiful." He smiled

"Thank you baby."

He grabbed my hand across the table and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"No baby, Like I really love you. With all my heart. I knew I had to make you mine the first time I saw you on campus. You're so beautiful and your smile could make anyone's day better. You're my wife, mother of my kids and Im so thankful and grateful to have you in my life."

"Awww baby." I poked my lip out "You're going to make me cry."

The waiter placed our food on the table and walked away. We began to eat but got interrupted.

"Wassup ya'll?" He walked over to the table

Jay nodded and I remained silent.

"How ya leg bruh?" Chris tried to hold back a laugh.

"Oh I'm straight. Just a minor setback. I'ma be good regardless. Just a couple of bitches doing what bitches do. Could never get me one on one though." Jay sat back and looked at Chris.

"So what trying to say?"

"You know exactly what I'm saying." Jay smiled. "You a bitch. You couldn't handle me like a man so you got your other bitches to help you jump me."

"I'll knock you out right now." Chris jumped towards Jay.

Jay didn't move nor blink. "Do it." He stood up. "I dare you. This cast don't change shit. I can still beat yo ass."

At this point. The entire restaurant was watching them.

Chris stood there with his jaw clenched and nostrils flaring before walking away.

Jay laughed and sat down. "He's a joke. I'm sorry about that baby. I just hate when niggas think I won't act up."

We finished up our dinner and went back home. Lyric was sleep when we got there. His mom decided to stay the night since she was tired.


1 week later

I watched closely as the doctor cut Jay's cast off. He was so happy to be getting it off.

"We have to take a few X-rays to make sure you're bones are good." The doctor spoke and they left the room.

Jay was walking a lot better now. He had a slight limp but he starts physical therapy today.

He was only gone a few minutes before coming back.

"Everything looks great. You actually healed a lot faster than I expected. You wont be needing that boot. Just head on downstairs to physical therapy and they'll help you once you get there."

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