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: ̗̀➛
I woke up sweating, realizing I was sandwiched between my brother and sister on the tiny bunk. The sun had just barely started coming up. I crawled over Jake, giving them each a kiss on the head. I would never ever take them for granted again.
I stretched, yawning as I walked into the common room. Rick sat at one of the tables, just staring straight ahead.
Oh god... Lori.
"Rick?" I whispered. He didn't even acknowledge me. My heart broke for him.
I sighed, giving him a kiss on the top of his head, running my fingers through his hair. Poor Rick. I knew if I could bring Lori back, I would. Not for me, for him. He was the last person to deserve this.
"You take your time."
Crying irrupted, echoing through the walls. He still didn't budge.
I was confused. If Lori.... how did the baby? I followed the noise, seeing Beth consoling the baby, singing to it. It slowly started to calm down.
"Oh my god."
Beth smiled at me.
"Her names Judith."
I opened up my arms. Beth handed her to me. Judith fell quiet, her innocent eyes staring up at me.
"Hi Judith, god you're so warm."
Beth giggled. I looked at her, sadness hitting me knowing that Lori and T-dog were really gone.
"How long was I out after being shot?"
"Two days. You've been through the wringer lately."
"I know... So Lori... T-dog?"
She looked sad, shaking her head while she stared down at her feet.
I looked back down at baby Judith. She had shut her eyes. I caressed her soft skin.
"Ricks not okay." Beths voice was gentle.
"You need to just give him time."
"What if the Governer comes back?"
"Then we will fight again, It's all we can do."
"Glenn is planning an attack on Woodsbury."
So many wrong ways that could end ran through my mind.
"What? We don't have the people for that."
"He says we need to hit them when they aren't expecting it."
"And they planned all this while I was out?"
"Well... We thought you could die..."
I sighed, shutting my eyes. It was a horrible idea. We didn't have Rick, or Daryl. We had already lost people.
I just snuggled baby Judith closer to me.

: ̗̀➛

"Hey, can I talk to you?" David joined my side. I stood out in the cold morning air, watching the woods. It was like I was waiting. Waiting for Daryl or the Governer. I didn't know. It was weird seeing David. He didn't look the same as before. He wasn't a clean cut college kid anymore, he looked like a man. He had definitely gained muscle, had a wild look behind his eyes.
"Yeah." I felt like I was talking to someone who was practically a stranger. Maybe because I had accepted a long time ago that I would never see him again.
"I missed you. I tried to find you, Del. I looked for a long time."
"You saved my little brother."
"He was just wandering the woods by your house... He told me you all died... It broke me. When we found out you were alive..."
"I still feel like i'm losing my mind, like i'm hallucinating you."
"No. Definitely not. I'm here." He intertwined his fingers with mine. I hadn't touched him in so long. I flinched with the contact.
"Is this okay?"
"I missed you so much, Del. I know things are different now... But I still love you."
"It's not like were gonna get married or anything."
"I know... But... I still want to be with you."
I shook my head, guilt filling me. It wasn't fair to him.
"David... I can't now. I'm different than I was."
"Please. I know things are different, and I know you have changed, but I have too. I love you, Del-"
"Stop it." I pulled my hand away, trying not to cry. I didn't know what was keeping me from saying yes. Maybe my fear of getting close to someone... or maybe it was something else... somebody else.
"You can try to close me out but I will never stop trying, Del." He stared me down, his eyes were gentle.
"David, this isn't fair-"
"I love you." He grabbbed both my hands back into his. I looked down st my feet, unable to look him in the eyes.
"No, you don't. You think you do-"
"Del, I never stopped looking for you. Even after being told you were dead, even at Woodsbury when I was surrounded by other women, other chances to move on, it was you. I was so lonely, Del. So many people around me but I just wanted you. It's you, Delilah. It will always be you."
"We can't."
His lip trembled, like he was choking back tears.
"Is there someone else?"
I stayed quiet, biting down on my lip. I hated this. I hated having to have this conversation. I hated that there was someone else.
"No, David-"
"It's okay." He let go of my hands, "I want you happy, no matter how much it hurts me." He kissed my forehead. The warmth of his lips made me second guess it all. His familiarity. He knew me.

𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮 : ̗̀➛ 𝙙.𝙙Where stories live. Discover now