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Night had already came by the time Daryl and Carol busted back through the door. Nobody had went to sleep.

Del jumped up, Daryl didn't hesitate to give her a tight hug. She could feel him relax.

"Any luck?" Maggie questioned from behind her.

Daryl looked at his feet, shaking it head. Del gave his arm a soft squeeze. She could see the guilt.

Maggie let out a sob, Glenn guiding her away.

"We didn't find anything... I tried, Del." He muttered as his lip trembled.

"Hey," She grabbed his face, making him look at her, "We will find her, alive."

He nodded, but she could tell her didn't believe her.

: ̗̀➛

Del stepped over branches, everyone walked quietly. It was so somber. Something about Beth being gone brought everyone down. Beth had been the innocence of the group, the carer, the positive one and to think about her possibly being dead... It killed Del.

"You thinking about her?" Maggie stepped beside her. Del looked ahead at her own sister. The thought that her sister would leave them voluntarily when Maggie didn't have her sister made Del so angry.


"Me too." Maggie looked down at her feet. Del could see the worry etched across her face. She intertwined their fingers, giving her a hopeful smile.

"Beth is a smart girl, don't assume the worst."

"It's hard not to when its your sister."

"I know. Trust me, I know."

Suddenly a scream rang out though the air. Del glanced around to make sure it wasn't one of theirs. Carl was the first to run towards it, then Daryl, then Rick, then Del.

"Delilah!" Kay yelled after her in a scolding way.

They approached a man on top of a rock, four or five walkers reached for him. They all picked them off one by one before the man slid down the rock. He was a pastor.

"I'm Gabriel," his breathing was still shaky. He was terrified. Del hadn't seen anyone that scared of a few walkers in a long time.

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick questioned, stepping in front of Carl.

"Do I look like I have any weapons on me?" He gave a weak smile but they kept their faces straight. Del felt Daryl come up right behind her. She looked back to see Jake, Annie and Abel close to Kay, her eyes burned into Del. As if to say "you can't take care of him the way I do".

She turned back towards Gabriel.

"Why would you not carry any weapons?" Del questioned.

"God is the only weapon I need," Gabriel answered.

"That will get you killed," Del spoke from experience.

"Well, I prayed, you all came."

She pursed her lips, looking down at her feet. Gabriel turned back to Rick.

"Do you have a camp?"

"No. Do you?"

"I have a church."

: ̗̀➛

Del stepped into the church. The aisles were lined with pews with red velvet seats. Jesus stared down at her from his cross.

"Ha." Bob stepped next to her as everyone settled in.

"Hm?" She questioned.

"Just... Haven't seen Jesus in awhile."

𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮 : ̗̀➛ 𝙙.𝙙Where stories live. Discover now