𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙬

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Del sat up, gasping for air. A single lantern was the only light she had.

"Hey, it's okay! It's okay!" Kay and Hershel hovered over her. They laid her back down.

"Am I dead?" Del tried to collect herself.

"No. You need to rest." Hershel placed a wet cloth onto her forehead. Then she realized where she was.

"I'm sick." She said out-loud, as if to tell herself.

"You're going to be okay." Kay brushed her fingers through Dels hair.

"Oh god, I was holding Judith."

"Shes already in here with Bethy," Hershel said as if it would reassure Del, it didn't. She hated herself for being around her, for getting sick.

"You just rest. We will come back in a little to check on you." Kay and Hershel left her. Del felt so cold. Her body covered in goosebumps. She began coughing, blooding landing on the palm of her hand. She thought about Patrick, about Karen. About Lizzie and Mikas dad. She was next. She was going to die.

She gulped for air, thinking of everyone she would have to leave. Maggie, Hershel, Jake, Kay, Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Judith, Carl, Beth... All of them would have to grieve her. The thought made her sick to her stomach even more. It wasn't the dying part that scared her, it was who she was leaving. She hated herself for ever existing because now her loved ones would be left to mourn her.

"Daryl, no!" She heard her sister yell. Daryl flew into the cell, dropping next to Del.

"What are you doing in here?! Leave! You're going to-" Del couldn't even finish before bursting into another coughing fit.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kay flew in, snapping at Daryl.

"He's already here.. Get him a cover." Hershel calmed Kay. She narrowed her eyes at Daryl as she pulled out a handkerchief. He took it but didn't put it on.

"She's coughin' up blood, do somethin'!" Daryl snapped at them.

Del grabbed his arm as a way to tell him to stop, and he did.

Del watched Hershel and Kay leave, whispering to themselves.

"You have lost your damn mind." Del shook her head.

"Here, drink some water." He grabbed the bottle from the ground. Del pushed it away, knowing it would cause another coughing fit.

"Put your cover on. You're going to get sick."

"I'd rather be sick with you then okay out there."

"Daryl, this can kill you-"

"Then let it."

"I can't believe you right now."


"If I die.."


"Just listen!" She used every ounce of her breath to yell, "If I die, I need you okay. I need you to take care of everyone. Of Jake, Kay, Hershel, Maggie.. Everyone. So please for the love of god put the cover on."

His eyes looked all across her face before he hesitantly wrapped the handkerchief around his mouth and nose.

"Thank you." Del laid back down, unable to even hold herself up, or keep her eyes open.

"Hey, open your eyes."

"Daryl, I am fine. I just need rest, okay? I'm not dead yet." She didn't even open her eyes to scold him. She felt his hand rest on her head, stroking her hair while she fell asleep.

: ̗̀➛

Del woke up to herself coughing, not even realizing she was doing it.

"It's okay." Kay rubbed her back as Del fought through the fit, finally able to catch enough air to speak.

"Where's Daryl and Hershel?"

"Hershel is with Glenn, Daryls making sure everyone is getting their water... Making sure nobody is dead."

"I'm next, Kay."

"Stop that."

"I'm getting worse. There is no recovery from this. This is how I die, a fucking sickness." Del smiled sadly at it. What a dumb way to go out.

"Delilah Jane, quit taking like that and take your water." Kay forced the water into Dels hand.

"And you're still taking care of me. My whole life you have and here I am, still being taken care of near death."

"Del, stop."

"I love you." Del looked at her sisters eyes. She hated thinking it could be the last time she saw them. Everytime she went to sleep there was a possibility of not waking up.

"I know."

"No. Tell me you love me. I know I have put you through hell, but please."

"I love you, Delilah. Now drink your water."

Del was satisfied woth hearing those words from her sister, taking a sip of water.

"I'm sorry, Kay. I'm so sorry. Everything I put you through... Everything you went through for me and daddy even though we treated you horrible. Mom left and you stepped up. You took care of all of us. Daddy, Eddie, me, Jake. You stopped college for us. We fucked up your life."

"Delilah, you never fucked up my life," Kays stare softened, she sounded sad, "You guys kept me alive. You, Eddie and Jake were the reason I went to college. I loved daddy but... You guys needed out. You gave me purpose."

"I'm sorry you will have to mourn me." Del hadn't even realized she was crying until Kay wiped the tear off her cheek.

"I won't have to mourn you, Del. You're going to live."

"My body hurts."

Kay nodded, stepping out the cell to usher Hershel in. He stepped in a moment later with a bag of pills, reaching in before pulling out two bottles and emptying two pills into his hand.

"What is it?" Del questioned as she took the pills into her palm.

"A pain killer and a vitamin to help boost your immune system."

She popped them into her mouth before washing it down with water.

"Can we pray?" She asked Hershel. He nodded as they bowed their heads.

"Father above, please help guide Delilah through this sickness. Please help wash away the pain of everyone in here suffering lord. We ask for your blessings lord-"

"And please lord... forgive me.... Amen." Del finished.

Hershel stared at her with a sad look before standing up.

"You rest now."

𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮 : ̗̀➛ 𝙙.𝙙Where stories live. Discover now