𝙨𝙞𝙭 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨

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Del stood beside Daryl and Michonne, watching the rest make their way back to the barn. She hoped they would be back at least by noon the next day. The longer she was away from Jake, the more she was nervous.

"Since you three decided to stay, my mom wants to conduct your interviews." Spencer stood behind them.

"Interviews?" Daryl questioned with a toothpick hanging from his mouth.

: ̗̀➛

"Start with your name." Deanna instructed as the red dot on the camera blinked at her.

"Delilah Jane Orr."

"And how old are you?"

"I... I don't know. I don't keep track anymore."

"Where are you coming from?"

"Everywhere. Atlanta originally."

"Who have you lost?"

Del recoiled with this question, hating on the way Deanna tried to pry into her mind, her grief, but she knew she needed to answer honestly.

"A lot of people. You lose everyone when you're out there."

"Have you killed anyone yourself?"

Del tucked her lips, staring down at her feet. The floor beneath them was the cleanliest she had seen in awhile. The house smelled like candles, cleaning supplies. It smelled clean.

"Five... I think."


"I had to."

"I don't think you ever have to murder someone."

Del looked up at her, heat filled her chest.

"You would think differently when there is a gun pressed to your temple... When your friends lives are threatened."

Deanna seldomly nodded, writing down on her notepad. Del looked out the window beside her, seeing people walk along the roads. She realized how clean they were compared to her, how pale. They got to be inside, locked away from the sun. Her skin was a bronze color now, partly from dirt and grim, partly from the sun.

"And your pregnancy? Is the father still here."

"Uhm, yeah. Daryl... The one with a crossbow."

"Have you gotten any care for your pregnancy? Any vitamins, check ups?"

"Not exactly like I can just go to the hospital anymore."

Deanna nodded again, writing on the notepad. The sound of the pen scribbling echoed in Dels ears. She was soaking everything in, how safe she felt behind those walls.

"And the others? How did you meet them?"

"I knew Maggie, the brunette with the blue eyes, before everything... since we were girls. My brother too, he is back with Aaron. The rest just kind of fell in along the road."

"Do you trust them?"

Del picked at her fingernails, keeping her expression serious.

"With my life."

"All of them?"

Del stared at Deanna, taking in every wrinkle on her face, every line.

"All those people, every single one of us, we have seen our friends and family die in front of us. We have had our loved ones blood on our hands, our faces. We have listened to them scream out for us while they get torn apart... That makes you realize you would rather die than watch anyone else die... So yeah, all of them. They would all die for each other, and I would die for any of them."

𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮 : ̗̀➛ 𝙙.𝙙Where stories live. Discover now