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"So have you always been this modest?" Negan laughed.

Del quickly pulled her dress down. Three days of hell. She knew Daryl was there, and there was nothing she could do about it. All she could think of was him, of their daughter.

Del said nothing in return, setting down his whiskey onto the coffee table quickly, turning on her heel. His room held a sense of heaviness, a sense of dread.

"Ah ah, not so fast, take a seat, red."

Del pursed her lips, quickly plopping herself onto the sofa opposite him. She dug her nails into her leg, harshly. Every second she saw him, she saw Glenn. She saw everyone in Alexandria, the ones who suffered, the ones who loved her. Jake, Maggie, Rick, her daughter. They needed her. She needed to be there and he kept her from them.

"Let me guess what's on your mind... You're thinking of Daryl... If he's alive, where he's at..."

"I know he's alive." Del stared at him, clenching her jaw.  A grin spread across his face as he leaned forward, pouring two glasses full of whiskey, he slid one towards her.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because he's your leverage against me, I'm your leverage against him. Neither of us will act out as long as the other is alive." She grabbed the glass, taking a long drink.

"This is why I like you, red. You're firey, you're smart. Maybe that will be your downfall though. Look how that fire turned out for your asian friend."

Del felt a jolt in her stomach, exhaling heavily.

"He's korean."

Negan let out a deep chuckle, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"Well he's not much of anything now, is he?"

Del looked down in her lap at the glass, swallowing the lump in her throat, trying to ease the uneasiness in her stomach.

"And, if you would like to know, your little mutt isn't the only leverage I have for you... Beautiful baby girl by the way."

Those words made her head snap up, staring at him intently. How did he know? Who had told him? She dug her nails into her palm, just thinking of Beth, of Jake.

"And man, your brother, just distraught without you-" He continued.

"If you touch them I will fucking kill you."

"Not my style, don't like hurting kids or women, but.. I will if I run out of options." He smugly took a sip of the whiskey. "You wanna know why I really like you, Red?"

Del stared at him intently, digging her nails into the palm of her hand until it stung. Anger bubbled in her chest.

"Because you are a cold mother fucker," he continued, "You know, you didn't shed on single tear the night I bashed your friends heads in. I mean, you were just covered in their brains and you just stared! That is someone who is cold. You didn't give a damn about them."

Dels eyes flickered down to her lap, taking a shaky inhale.

"I did."

"No, no. See cause every one for those fucks you were with were shaking, and crying and sweating, but you... You didn't care. You haven't even cried once since you've been here, I mean hell, that doesn't seem like someone who's carrying grief to me."

"Just because I carry it well doesn't mean it isn't heavy. You don't know me, you don't know them. Abraham he.." Del trailed off, realizing who she was telling this too. This wasn't someone to open up to, someone who would understand the pain, because he didn't know them the way she did. He hadn't helped Glenn escape the prison. He hadn't spent those weeks on the farm with him, he hadn't held Glenns secrets from Hershel, he hadn't held her when Hershel died.

"What? He your brother or something? I mean I didn't wanna make assumptions cause of the hair but.." He smiled cockily, slamming his glass down roughly onto the table. Del looked back up at him, her eyes locking with his.

"He saved my life, saved Glenns."

"I mean he was a big motherfucker, looked mean. Now the Chinese kid... he looked more wimpy but who am I to say? I mean did you see the way he just kept going at that first blow?"

Del stood quickly, looking down at him, clenching her jaw. She slowly made her way to the door, putting her hand onto the doorknob tightly.

"You aren't even a quarter of a man they were... and he's Korean you uneducated fuck."


Del leaned on the cold concrete window ledge, staring out. It seemed like the complex went on forever. She remembered how big the prison looked to her the first time she saw it, how safe it looked, and this place was even bigger, even more secure, and she felt so unsafe. She wondered if Negan had told Daryl that she was there, if she was using her against him, if he had told Daryl he knew about Jake and Beth.

She missed them. She missed the way Jake laughed too loud at jokes, the way he would always look at her if he was scared, but she missed Beth so much it was gut wrenching, it burned in her chest. It made her skin crawl with goosebumps. She wanted to hold her, to kiss her, to smell her. She missed her so much it felt like she was dying.

"Am I bothering you?" Sherry leaned next to her, staring out.


They sat in silence for a second, because what was there to say to one another?

"Are you thinking of Daryl?"

Dels head whipped to look at her, furrowing her eyebrows. Her back straightened, she could feel the anger swell inside her.

"How do you know his name?"

Sherry pursed her lips, staring out the window.

"Dwight... Dwight is the reason i'm Negans wife, he's the the one i'm trying to keep alive-"

"Fuck Dwight," Del spat out so harshly it almost felt like venom was coming from her lips.

"He wasn't always like this. He was sweet, kind. He was so gentle then... Anyway, he told me about Daryl, what Negan plans on doing-"

"You can talk to Dwight?" Del felt a little hopeful. If Sherry could talk to Dwight what was keeping her and Daryl apart?

"Not in public. Short meetings, fast... You can talk to Daryl too."


"Dwight told me where he was at, where his cell is..."


"They keep new people, people who need to broken, in concrete cells. Naked, cold, feed them just enough to keep them alive. They have this record playing over and over-"

"Take me to him."

"Not now. Tonight. It's your night with Negan. After he's asleep... I'll take you to him."

Del bit the inside of her mouth. The impatience almost made her hit Sherry, almost made her lunge at her and demand she tell her where he was now, but she knew if she was caught, Daryl would die, maybe even Jake and Beth. She nodded.

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