CH-13 Meeting(s)

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Rimuru's POV

"Now that you all have reunited with Rimuru, let's discuss a few important things." Ciel said.
"Right. Before that, where is Shuna, Shion, Gabiru and geld?" I ask.

"Ah! About that, they are still in the town of Ogres, Lizardmen and Orcs, respectively." Ciel replied.

"I see. Does that mean everyone who can come is here?" I ask.
"That's right. Now, before we begin, I am sure everyone has a few things to ask. So go ahead." Ciel said.

"Umm... Ciel-sama? How did we not notice Rimuru-sama's aura? I am sure we felt it yesterday, yet none of us were able to realise it belonged to Rimuru-sama." Testarossa asked.

"Well, that's simple. I hid it from you. Well, at first, I had thought that I would prevent his aura from spreading. But, well, that failed spectacularly. Well, I, more or less, knew that would happen, so I went with the next choice. Restraining your thinking capacities. I prevented you from realising that it was actually Rimuru's aura."

"I see. If it was Ciel-sama, then none of us would have been able to overcome it." Testarossa said in agreement.

"Well then. Let's get on to a few things that I want to discuss, that is, if not no one wants to ask anything else." Ciel looked around, and continued after seeing that no one wanted to ask anything.

"Alright. Now that Rimuru has revived, Veldanava will explain a lot of things that had been troubling us. In the upcoming Walpurgis, no one will come with us as attendants are not allowed. Well, this was mainly to prevent you all from hearing information about how this world works, but I'll tell you anyways. Now, there is one more thing that I want to discuss, but before that..."

Ciel let's everything that she had says settle in.

"A festival. Now that Rimuru has revived, we no doubt will have to hold a nation wide festival. I want to stay preparations for it right this instant. We can start the festival right after the Academy competitions end..." Ciel started dishing out orders. Well, I don't really mind, so I say nothing. Ciel did give me some information on what happened around the world.

"... And that should be enough for now. If any extra things are needed, tell me." Ciel said as she explained everyone's role, specifically Benimaru and the demons.

"Now then. The last thing that I want to discuss is this." Ciel said as she showed a large metallic circular disc.

"This is without a doubt not produced in this continent. Without a doubt, it came from the other continent. It is on the other side of the world, so I never really noticed them, but a few years back, they managed to send one of their ships all the way to our side. But, they didn't come close. They only observed from a distance, before going back. We will have to take measures against them as well. I don't think they would be as strong as us, but better to be safe than sorry."

That's quite interesting. I never knew that there was another continent.

"Alright. I am sure everyone knows what to do, right? So get to it." Ciel said, bringing the meeting to an end. Well it was mainly to introduce me to them and let them know that I had revived. But, I didn't say a single thing. The entire meeting, if you could call it one, proceeded without me.

"By the way, Benimaru. I heard you have a son and two daughters." I ask him.
"Ah! That's right Rimuru-sama. I will make sure to introduce them to you."

"I see. Though it is late, congratulations. I would love to meet them."

After that, everyone slowly left.

"Dear, why don't you go and look around Tempest? Tempest has grown a lot. Even though I have told you about it, why don't you experience it firsthand?" Ciel suggested.

"Alright, I'll do that. By the way, do you have anything to attend to? It seems like you are trying to get everything done quickly."

"Haha. It seems like you saw right through me, dear. Well, I have to go and attend the semifinals of the competition. Both of Benimaru's daughters are going to fight it out against each other. Anyways, I believe you should enjoy today. And, try to direct your aura into your stomach while you are at it. It will be useful if you are able to properly control your aura."

"Alright. I'll try that. When will you be free?" I ask.
"Hmm... It depends on how long the fight lasts, but I guess around sunset?"
"That's good enough." I say as I leave.

I have already started to control my aura and send it to my imaginary space. I didn't think it would be this hard, but it is quite difficult to control. It feels like if I take one wrong step, it will explode.

3rd Person POV

While the meeting was going on, both Liscia and Ria left the palace and went to the academy.

"I'll go on ahead sister. Make sure to be at your strongest. I'll defeat you this time, at your strongest, and win. Just wait and watch." Ria said to Liscia as she ran in front of her. Seeing her sister like this, she just smiled. She may be her little sister, but she was not going to let her win that easy.

Liscia slowly made her way towards her room. It was a room for two people, she and her sister. Noticing how the door wasn't locked from the outside, she guessed that Ria must have gone to take a bath. Liscia poureda small amount of her magicules into the knob, unlocking it. But just as she was about to enter, she encountered an unexpected guest.

"Umm... Liscia-sama. Could I borrow a bit of your time?"

Turning around Liscia came face to face with Tia. After her defeat in the quarter-finals and the statement by Alicia right after the battle, her figure in everyone's mind was already deteriorating.

"Oh! If it isn't Tia. I wonder what you want to talk about with me?" Liscia asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Ah! Come in. It was rude of me to not invite you in earlier." Liscia said, guiding her into the room. Tia just followed her with an awkward smile.

"So? What do you want to talk about?" Liscia asked, clearly showing disinterest as she sat down in a chair and motioned towards an empty seat.

"I am sure this might intrigue you."
"I would like to ask for your help."
"Help in?"
"Overthrowing the demon lord."

A dead silence envelopes the room.

"Are you even listening to yourself? If this is a sick joke, then stop."
"Joke? Please. I am not joking. I am serious. With your help, it wouldn't just be a pipe dream. Your father, Benimaru-sama, is one of the twelve patrons. With his help, we can overthrow the demon lord. No amount of fame or wealth co-"

"Will you please shut up! Do you have any clue who you are taking to?! We spent our entire lives serving her and her nation. Do you really think that we would betray her just for this? Are you really sane? Please. Just leave. Just leave before I lose all my calm." Liscia said pointing at the door. Though Liscia managed to prevent herself from screaming, her anger could easily be felt from what she said.

"No buts. LEAVE. NOW." Liscia said, giving no room for negotiations. She released some of her aura unconsciously, which also played a crucial role in, figuratively, throwing Tia out of the room.

"Fine. But think about what I just said. Don't blame me if you are too late." Tia said as she left the room.


I hope you guys like it.

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