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Shinsha's POV

As I came out of the dining room, Anne greeted me.

"Shinsha-sama, how was the meeting?" She asked with a smile.

"It was nice. Fun, I guess. Some of them were scary, but since they are papa's friends, I am sure they are not bad people. But something was wrong with the atmosphere. It seemed quite heavy. Even now, I can't hear anything from the inside. There is no sound proofing barrier, so there should be some noise, but I can't hear any. They must be discussing something really important."

"... You are quite observant Shinsha-sama. It's true that sune important topics are up for discussions today, especially because the creator of this world, Veldanava-sama is also present. But I can't reveal any more than this. I am sure Rimuru-sama and Ciel-sama will tell you everything in due time."

"That's right. So it's better to spend my time playing and learning." I say my thoughts as I skip all the way to my room.

Once I reach my room, Anne helps in undressing me as the clothes are too complicated for me to wear or remove. Once I had removed the dress, I took a bath. Once I was done with the bath, I changed into the nightwear and was about to go to sleep.

"Shinsha-sama, good night. Remember that you have to go to Benimaru-sama's house tomorrow."
"I remember." I say. Hehe. I can't wait for tomorrow. For the first time, I would be allowed to go outside the castle. I have already memorised where the house is, so I am sure I can go there without any help. I will go there before anyone else even comes to wake me up.

The next day...

I wake up quickly before dawn and prepare myself. Before they even realise that I am awake, I quickly put a few things in my storage and jump out from the window. I then quickly flew out the castle and made my way to uncle Benimaru's house.

Liscia's POV

As I was practicing my sword skills that father taught me, I felt someone approaching the house. It is surprising that someone could come to our house this early in the morning. The sun had barely risen, so either they are a nocturnal race returning home or they have something urgent to discuss with someone in the administrative district.

But, I was surprised to see that the person was a young girl. The amount of magicules she had was no joke, but she didn't appear to be older than ten years. She may be hiding her real age, but I don't see why she would do that. The little girl came to a stop outside our house. She looked at a piece of paper she had brought with her and looked at it repetitively, as if trying to confirm something.

Before she could press the bell, I opened the door.

"Hello little girl. What brings you here?" I ask in a calm tone. Seeing me suddenly come out, she backed away a bit.

"Umm.... Etttooooo...... Is this where Uncle Benimaru live?" The little girl asked were tilting her head. Sooooo cuuuuute!!!!! Even Surya wasn't this cute when he was young.

"Etto, Onee-san? Are you okay?" She asked. Gaaah! I will have a nosebleed because of her. How can she be so cute. What if someone bad found her outside? How can she just walk outside all alone?

"Ah! Yes. My father's name is Benimaru." I confirm and usher her in. What would have happened if someone attacked her? I quickly scope out my surrounding and see that some people were spying on us. At first, I was thinking of dealing with them, but one of them revealed themselves from afar. He showed me a symbol that he was carrying.

That? How? Just who is this little girl? To have the shadows under Souei-sama protecting her? She must be someone very important.

"Woaahhhh. Nee-chan? Were you practicing? This sword is so big. It is nearly as big as me. Woah. Even the leaves are cut in half." The girl said as she continued to observe everything in her surrounding.

"Calm down. Why have you come here?" I ask her as I try to catch hold of her, but she is too fast. Even though she may seem like an amateur, her mastery over magicules and how to use them is not bad.

Hearing my question, the girl finally stopped and looked at me. "No clue. Papa wanted to talk with Uncle Benimaru regarding something important." The girl said before she continued to move around, before finally going towards the main house.

"Hey hey. Calm down. Did no one teach you to not enter anyone else's house and go around like this?" I ask.

"Eh? But papa said that I am free to go anywhere till the time it is within his territory?" The girl asked while bringing her left index finger to her cheek. Kyaaahh! So cute. NO! I have to control myself.


So, is she a noble? I sense that the magicules in her are draconic in nature, so she could be the daughter a Dragon Lord. Maybe one of the four dragon lords of the labyrinth? I don't know much about the labyrinth, since I rarely go there, but it is possible.

"Uwaah." I suddenly heard the girl scream.


I quickly look over to see that the girl had fallen over and mother Alvis was standing looking over her.

"Ara? Who is this cute little girl? Is she your friend Lis?" Mother asked me.

"No mother. I have no idea who she is, but it seems like her father has something to discuss with my father, so she came her."

"So where's her father? They shouldn't leave such a young child unattended. Well, she isn't exactly unattended, is she?" Mother said as she looked at a tree in the distance. Are the spies still there?

"Who is your father, dear?" Mother asked gently as she helped the girl up.

"Papa is papa." She said while puffing her cheeks. So cute~~

"Oh my, don't be angry. Here, want some sweets." Mother said as she offered her some sweets. She looked at the sweets for a while before eating them. Did she just check them for poison? She might be more cautious and self aware than I had expected. After she had eaten, there was still some cream left on her cheeks so I wiped out for her.

"Thank you, nee-chan." She said with a bright smile.

"You're welcome. Anyways, what's your name?" I ask.
"My name? It's Shinsha." She declared.

Shinsha? Where have I heard that name before? Was it some noble? Hmmm.... I remember father taking about it. If I recall correctly, Shinsha was... Aha! She was the daughter of the Rimuru-sama and Ciel-sama.

"Wait.... Is your father's name Rimuru Tempest?" I ask as if to confirm?

"That's right." She said without a care. So that's why there were so many spies as guards. No wonder, she is the princess of Tempest after all. She has never made a public appearance after all, so I never realised.


I hope you guys liked it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now