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Chandra's POV
Time:- Few years back, during the downfall of South Africa.

"Chandra, help the people evacuate. I will show them down." George, one of the few surviving American S-class, said as he rushed straight into the horde of monsters. The monsters have managed to cross over the Atlantic Ocean. We thought we would be able to do something, but this is hopeless.

Even my skill is not showing any ways of surviving. What the hell do I do?

"Damn it. If only there was another S-class here." I mutter out on annoyance.
"No point in thinking about it. For now, focus on evacuating. Your skills are good for crowd control. It should help." Gu Xianyou, one of China's S-class told me.

"I know that, but still! How can the UK just not send anyone here? Why are the UK's carrier not making a move? They can atleast save a few lives if they bombard from the ocean."
"Forget it. There's nothing we can do. Focus on what we can do."
"Fine." We quickly split up, saving anyone we could and transferring them to nearby escape vehicles. In the midst of it, I heard a loud explosion behind me. No way. That monster. It chased us all the way here! I have to escape. But, the others will die.

"Chandra! Run." I heard a faint voice call out to me while I was contemplating what to do. I look towards the one who called out to me, George.

He was busy fighting that monstrosity asking with other members of the attack squad. Its shape and size had changed yet again. It was as if it could control is body however it wants.

"You are the brain of the squad. Someone needs to live. You alone are with more than everyone here. Run. Live on. Your country still needs you. The world... Needs you. Go. We will take care of it somehow." Hearing this, I quickly turn around and run as fast as I could.

Tears fell down my cheeks as my vision blurred. Memories came crashing back as we prepared for the fight. As we prepared to fight for the world. yet, we were too weak. If only we were stronger. No! If only the Britain had cooperated with us. If Williams was here, we could have dealt with that monstrosity.  It's all because of that bastard.

As I quickly passed through the defences that were set up, I notice that there was no one there. The people had already evacuated. Luckily, there will be no casualties amongst them. Williams! Remember this. I will make you pay!


I hear something burning behind me. How? I should be quite far away from the battlefield. I turn around and see a large wall of fire. Even I can't cross it, without incurring fatal damage. None of the other S-class would be able to cross it, especially after escaping from that monstrosity.

No way. There is only one person who can do this. I look around and see a silhouette running away. Seeing that, anger boils from within me.


How dare he?! While I continued to stare at his direction, I see choppers coming to me.

"Lady Chandra. We are here to escort you. We went to the battlefield, but..." He just nodded his head in denial. I also knew it. There is nothing simple weapons can do against that monster.

Present Day...

"Lady Chandra, Are we really not going to make a move?" My secretary asked me. She is not strong enough to be a S-class, but she can be considered a top level A-class.

"No. Let's wait and see, for now." I say as the news continues to tell us the condition in Europe. The condition is really dire. Britain's frontline is in the verge of collapse. France and Germany are holding on due to the support I have been sending them. China and Japan are supporting Italy and Spain. But after that incident, support to Britain had been dwindling.

"But if Europe falls, wouldn't we be next?"
"As if Europe would fall that easily. They once dominated the world. Don't underestimate them."

It's not like I don't understand how she feels. I look at my phone and see the notifications. 12 missed calls from William and text messages on nearly all platform. Hmph.


As I was looking at the notification, a voice call request came onto my phone. It was by the official Chinese govt, so I don't know who exactly it is. I hesitate for a second before picking it. It was a conference call. It includes representatives from China, Japan and finally me.

"What do you want?" A man, who was Japan's representative asked.

"Simple. Look at the news. The frontline at Britain has fallen. Three of their seven S-class are already dead, and two are fatally injured. There's no way they would hold out."

"So? You want us to help them?" I ask in a irritated tone.

"As if! There's no way I will forget what happened at South Africa."

"Isn't it about time we give them a taste of their own medicine?"
"What are you suggesting?"

"Don't tell me you have forgotten what the British did to us. Not only now, but a few centuries back. They colonized us, completely crippled our economy, and then looted us. All of us suffered massively because of that."

"Get to the point."

"Let's colonize them. Just like how they did to us."


For a good few seconds, the was silence on the call.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten how much your motherland suffered because of them. How your ancestors were stripped of everything. Isn't it the best time to take revenge?" The Chinese official said, trying to convince us.

"But our wrath is only directed towards Williams. Why should we involve the innocent civilians?" Japan's official put up a valid point.

"Aren't we representatives of our own countries? Isn't that why we agreed to be S-rankers in the first place?"

"Fine. Let's do as you proposed. We'll hold the discussion with Williams live while broadcasting. Since he is currently in a predicament, he will no doubt reveal his true nature." I point out. And as if to support me, Williams called, asking for permission to join. The meeting suddenly went live, and was broadcasted around the globe.

"What the hell are you guys doing? Where are the reinforcements?" Williams said in an annoyed tone.

"Who knows? I don't see any benefits in helping you. Helping France and Germany seems like a much more viable solution.

"You! Have you gone mad!? If Britain falls, you guys will next. Don't you understand that!!"

"We do. That's why we will give you an offer."

"UK will become a colony to India and China. How the land and other resources are divided, we will take care of later. Obviously, your powers and title will also be taken. But hey, atleast you will be alive." I say in a taunting tone.

"That's not humane. Have you finally lost it?"

"I might have. But it's not like it will be the first time a colony would be made. I am sure you are all too familiar with what a colony is and how they are treated. After all, you had the most of them about a few centuries back. Now. Make your decision. After all, it doesn't matter whether you survive or not. We already have a replacement for you."


I hope you guys like it. This chapter was indicating what is happening back in Earth. Next chapter will feature Shinsha in the war.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now