Ch-88 Shinsha's Subordinates

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Rimuru's POV

Sending Zegion is not a bad idea. He is not only one of the strongest in one on one, but he can be quite dependable even if he were to face a number of opponents. But sending him will reduce the strength of the labyrinth. Both Zegion and Veldora would be absent. Even Ramiris would be coming with us. I look at Ciel and she just gives a solid nod.

"Very well. I'll tell Zegion about this." I finally decide to agree to his demand. Now that Zegion will be absent, I can't bring anyone else from the labyrinth. So Kumara and Adalmann will have to stay. I can't bring Benimaru, Geld or Gabiru either as they will have lead the army in case of an attack. I can bring Shion and Diablo with me. Ultima and Carerra can come with Ciel. As for Chloe, I guess that leaves Testarossa and Valora. Even Ranga is an option. I guess I can discuss it with them later.

"So? If everything in the agenda is done, I am leaving. There are still a lot things that I need to get done." Ruminas said as she spoke up. Guy just nodded and Ruminas left the Walpurgis, followed by Leon, Dagruel and Dino.

"Guy, what are your plans regarding Earth?" I ask before leaving.

"Earth? To tell you the truth, I don't really care. I went into the dungeon in Moscow, but the monsters weren't that strong, so I am not really interested.... Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Just that I was thinking of helping them become independent after all this."

"Well, I have no interest in them, so feel free to do whatever you want." Guy replied to me nonchalantly. I got up to leave and looked around for Yuuki, but couldn't find him anywhere. Looks like he already left.

3rd Person POV

After the Walpurgis ended, a lot of commotion arose, not only in this continent, but the other as well. The Goddess of the Holy Empire had stopped giving out oracles. All of her subordinates who were placed in the Church also disappeared without a trace. The people in charge of the Church were soon faced with more problems.

The modern technology that they used to maintain their supremacy started to malfunction, and they had no way to repair. All the wrongdoings of the Church and the amount of resources that they had embezzled became public, courtesy of Shinsha, who received it from Rimuru.

With this, the people's trust in the Church began to break. Taking advantage of this, the king tried to regain his lost authority with the help of Rovel and Shinsha, who joined forces to take down the Church.

After that, peace negotiations were held between Tempest and the Holy Empire, now renamed the Allgrynd Empire.

The peace treaty that was held, was participated by Shinsha as a form of training with the help of Testarossa. In the end, it was decided that Tempest will return all the land that it had occupied, and in return, 20% of the National Income of the Empire would have to be paid to Tempest, yearly.

Shinsha, who had spent quite some time on the other continent, had returned to Tempest, along with her subordinates. Just like Rimuru, she had made something similar to the Twelve Patrons, though they weren't exactly twelve in number.

Alicia, who was called her right hand in politics was one of her first subordinates, along with Jeb, a lizardmen who had great talent in strategizing.

Max and Sofia, the two orphans that Shinsha had brought under her wing had also grown up to be quite strong. Both of them had obtained a hero's egg and their fighting skills would already put them on par with the greatest fighters alive, barring a few exceptions like Hinata, Chloe and Rudra.

Shinsha also has a monster akin to a pet. She found it injured near the Wicked Forest. It was a majestic beast, called a Fenrir. It's true size was nearly as big as Ranga. Though his strength was nowhere near Ranga's, but he could easily overpower any monster found naturally.

Speaking of the Wicked Forest, it was one of the only places in the other continent that was yet to be brought under the control of humans. The monsters there are so strong that they could easily destroy entire cities, if not nations if they were to come out. Luckily for the humans, this rarely happened as the monsters feed on magicules, which was much richer in the forest.

Most of the Demi humans had ran off into the Wicked Forest and hid on the outskirts of the jungle to protect themselves from humans. It was when Shinsha was meeting with those demi humans did she come across the Fenrir, which she promptly named to be Rir.

Speaking of Demi humans, the second princess of the elves, Clara had also decided to follow Shinsha. And lastly, the spirit that she had summoned, Ken. It was a young and newborn spirit, yet it was already powerful enough to put many adult spirits to shame. It was a spirit of Time, and the only one of its kind. Though right now he remained in the form of a dragon, which it copied from its master, once it grows up and matures, it will no doubt take a human form.

Though these seven, Alicia, Jeb, Max, Sophie, Rir, Clara and Ken had yet to be called together as a group, it wouldn't be a long time till they become famous as the seven pillars behind Shinsha.

As for what was happening in Tempest, to the normal people, nothing. But inside the castle's garden, every morning, Rimuru would train with his sword in an alternate world.

Benimaru, Chloe and Hakurou would all fight against Rimuru. When Hakurou joined them, it would be practice solely for the purpose of honing their swordsmanship. The three would attack Rimuru, who would have one of his hands tied behind his back.

Rimuru would use his sword Despair and go all out against the trio. Occasionally, Ciel would join in as well, providing support to the three by throwing magic into the fray and healing them. These fights would often go on for months, but Rimuru had adjusted the time of the other world in such a way they no more than an hour had passed.

After the practice, they would eat breakfast and go their seperate ways. Chloe would often dive into the the dungeon and continue to fight against Zegion and Veldora, and sometimes, if lucky, Diablo. Rimuru and Ciel would spend their entire afternoon dealing with the affairs of the country, before finally being free after a late lunch. After that, they would often spend some time together in the city, and later be joined Chloe.


I hope you guys like it.

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