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Rimuru's POV

Now that we are back, I have been constantly looking over the preparations for the festivities. As I looked through the papers, they were majorly to give permissions for various stalls.

Permission for a stall by a major brand, permission for a magic show, permission for a music festival, reports in an abnormal attack by an unknown object on a deserted island near the Eastern Empire

Well, it seems not everything is related to the festival. Well, it doesn't matter to me. Rudra will deal with it.

I continue to look through the paperwork and the day comes to an end for me. I spend the next few days signing and preparing for the festival.

Shuna's POV
A night before the festival...

A few days have passed since Rimuru-sama has revived, yet I have still not been able to meet him even once. I am stuck with very important job for my city. The City of Ogres is technically under me and my brother's care.

"Shuna. Are you ready to go to Tempest tomorrow?" Shion asked as she entered my room.

"Yes. It has been a long time since we have been there. We haven't met Rimuru-sama as well. I can't look wait."

Shion nodded in excitement as well. All the other executives had already met Rimuru-sama, yet both me and Shion were unable to. It isn't to difficult to realise why. Ciel-sama didn't want us meeting him. Considering our feelings for him and Ciel-sama's position, I guess this is to be expected.

Even if I try to hold myself back and forget about my feelings, it's hard. These last 5 centuries have been very long and gruelling. I have somehow managed to get by, but I wonder how I will react once I see Rimuru-sama again.

Rimuru's POV

I quickly wrap up everything and go to sleep. As I enter my room, I see Ciel sleeping in the bed. It was already late, and I had told her to go to sleep, so I guess she's already in deep sleep. I slowly get onto the bed and slide under the sheets.

Ciel, who was lying on the bed while facing away from me, turned around and hugged me, all while sleeping. I hug her back and go to sleep. I am sure I will have sweet dreams today.

Some time later...

I open my eyes to find an odd ceiling in front of me. I look down to see that I am standing beside a bed in complete black armour. On the bed was a person in extreme condition. His life was already beyond saving and he was in unimaginable pain. Yet, there was a smile on his face.

"This is the end. Lucas." I hear myself speaking, yet I never even meant to speak that.

"I guess so. You don't even call me onii-sama anymore. I am really sad. Well, I guess she did die because of me."

"How can you-" i try to speak, but Lucas speaks up, interrupting me.

"I know I don't have the right to ask this of you as the one who killed her, but let me ask this of you as a brother. Please go to that room. I don't care if you use it for your own benefit and expand knowledge, but destroy it. You can rebuild it again, but please destroy this one." Lucas said as he pointed towards one of the bookshelves in his room.

Even though Lucas was in pain, his voice was fluent and dignified, proof of his uncrushable spirit.

"What is inside that secret room of yours?" I hear myself ask, even though I already know.

"A way to make Amrita. Atleast I tried to."

Amrita. A potion that even bring dead back to life regardless of how much time has passed since they died. It is believed to be nothing more than a myth, yet my brother still tried to make it.

"I can't believe you are such an idiot. You were not like this before." I speak up.

"Love can be quite dangerous. If it's for Aria, I don't mind being an idiot." Lucas replied as he started off into the wall, presumably reliving memories with Aria.

My body moved on its own. As I leave Lucas alone so that he can take his last breath, I go towards the bookshelves. One of these books, without a doubt, is a secret lever. But I didn't have the time or the patience to go through them one by one. I simply blow off the bookshelf of its hinges. I hear Lucas giggling behind me, but I ignore it and enter the hidden room.

What I found inside was quite disturbing. It was as if it was one of those evil labs in the stories I had read. There were large capsules, inside some of which were humans, whole songe had elves and beastmen. Some of them were empty.

As I look through the documents, I, yet again, realise just what Lucas was planning to do. He had already sacrificed more than hundred innocents to revive Aria. There's no way she can be revived. Yet. Yet the research is so tempting. Because I had lost Ciel, this managed to get my mind entranced.

I look at the research again. The was to make Amrita. A lost item, appearing only in myths. I tried to stop myself from moving, but my body moved in its own, destroying the lab, and killing all the experimental subjects that were still inside. I then left the room and glanced at Lucas, who was finally with his loved one, in heaven.

As I leave the room, the Sun behind to rise. I take a look at the rising Sun, the light from the Sun blinds me.

3rd Person POV

Rimuru woke up with a jerk. He was sweating profusely and even Ciel was looking at him with worried eyes.

"Dear. Are you fine?" Ciel asked.
"Ooo..hh.... Ciel. Yes. I am fine." Rimuru days as he hugged Ciel. Ciel didn't say anything and just returned his hug.

"A nightmare?" Ciel guessed.
"No. A bad memory." Rimuru replied honestly.

Hearing this, Ciel consoled Rimuru and kept hugging him until he calmed down. Once he had calmed down, Ciel spoke up.

"What was the dream about?"
"I don't know why, but I dreamt of Lucas. His final moments, before he went to meet Aria.

To me and Ciel, and she family. Aria was Lucas's wife and our sister in law. She had an untimely death due to an unknown disease. It was as of she was cursed. No amount of medicines or doctors were able to help.

She was getting weaker and weaker, but there was never anything wrong with her. Her conditions were optimal, yet she died.

"Well, it's just an old memory. Let's forget about it and prepare for today. It is the day that officially maths my revival." Rimuru spoke up to change up the weird and heavy atmosphere in the room. Ciel also agreed and quickly changed into the ceremonial dress, this time with magic.

Ciel was wearing a beautiful light blue dress with skinny white ornaments attached at the bottom. Each one of them was a protective charm that could repel any fatal attack, even to the soul. It is with enough to buy entire kingdoms, if sold.

Seeing this, Rimuru also changed into his black ceremonial suit and escorted Ciel out of the room.


How was it? I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now