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3rd Person POV
Cardinal world

As Rimuru, Ciel and Chloe came back, the Sun was already beginning to rise.

"Let's get ready for today, shall we?" Rimuru said with a smile. Chloe nodded and left. As soon as she left, Rimuru's facial expressions changed. He became completely serious without a hint of emotion on his face.

"Ciel, what do you think? Something was definitely wrong."
"What makes you think that?" Ciel asked.

"We meet neither a single guard or army official who might know me. The entire laboratory was also empty. When have you ever seen the entire lab empty?"

"That's true, but don't you think it was just Aaron's way of being considerate to an old friend?"

"I thought so too. But I have a bad premonition. I just hope I am wrong."

"No. If you are saying that, then something must be amiss. Your instincts are strangely accurate, after all."

"Well whatever. It shouldn't be anything important right now. We can take care of it later on."

"Oh right. Since it's already dawn, he should be here." Ciel said as if remembering something. She then walked out of the room with Rimuru following her.

"He? Who are you talking about?"

"Well, you see how the number of spies from the other continent is increasing? Well, I sent some spies of my own there as well. They settled down and decided to take a long term approach to rise to power. They should have been back by night. So I am sure they are already here."

"Who are you talking about?"
"There is only one man if you think about it. He is quite talented in seeing up information networks. He bested you once we will, albeit only partially."

"Ooohhhhhh.... You mean Yuuki?"

"Yes. I sent him to the other continent to enjoy his honeymoon with Kagali. I sent the Clown Troupes as reinforcements and some of Souei's subordinates as well."


"Come in." Yuuki's voice resounded from inside the room and Ciel and Rimuru enter. Seeing the two enter, Yuuki stood up and went straight to Rimuru.

"Rimuru-san. It is nice to see you again. You seem as strong as ever. You know, I would love to work under you, you know? If you have any orders for me, feel free." Yuuki said. Rimuru could literally imagine him with dog ears and tail wagging.

"Wh-what?" Rimuru asked disgusted. He turned to look at Kagali who was looking at Yuuki in utter surprise and disappointment.

"Your wife is a slave driver. She sent me to another continent saying that it was for vacation. She said I could enjoy the honeymoon with Kagali, yet she made me father information. She played with my pure feelings."

Everyone apart from Yuuki himself had the same expression while looking at him. They were looking at him with disbelief.

"Your feelings?" Rimuru spoke up.
"Pure?" Ciel asked in utter astonishment.

"Yes. My innoc-" Yuuki was abruptly stopped as Kagali slapped his back, causing him to nearly fall.

"Enough with the jokes." Kagali said in a serious tone.

"But I was serious." Yuuki muttered under his breath. Everybody heard him but nobody responded.

"*Cough* Alright. As you wanted, I have investigated the other continent. In the 200 years that I have been there, I have managed to set up something similar to the freedom association. As for the general situation, there were many kingdoms originally. But suddenly, a new religious group came up. They worshipped the Goddess of Technology.

I tried to search for her name, but got no clue. This religious group quickly grew in power and usurped and entire nation, which was then renamed as the Holy Kingdom. I thought the situation would be similar to Ruberios, so I had Laplace and Teare sneak in, but nothing of note was found.

At first, I didn't pay much attention, but they suddenly began to expand. They took over a lot of nearby kingdoms in a matter of a few years. It was so suspicious that I had to put  all activities on hold temporarily. At first I refused to co-operate with the Holy Kingdom. But soon, they came to me, asking with the kings and queens of the free remaining kingdoms with a peace treaty. It stated that till the time a kingdom worshipped the Goddess, they will not take any hostile actions and would instead help them.

Obviously, everyone agreed. There was no established religion there, so people quickly accepted the new religion. As peace was restored, I had no choice but to accept their terms and co-operate." Yuuki explained.

"How were the people who came to meet you?"

"About that. None of them were under any form of mind control. They truly believed in this goddess of theirs. Also, the shocking thing was, I was unable to find a single wrongdoing under them. There was no sign of corruption."

"None at all? That's concerning."

"Exactly. Even Tempest is not free of corruption. Though monsters are honest, the save can't be said to the humans."

"Well, monsters obey the strong, so it is understandable, but humans don't. Humans will do anything till the time profit overcomes their loyalty or fear."

"Fear can be overcome and loyalty can be lost, but faith is different. No matter the cost, the faith of the people is not easy to sway."

"Well, now we know that then turning traitors has a very low probability. Why don't you tell us about the structure of power?" Ciel asked.

"Yes about that. The king and his ministers are there, but they are more like puppets. It is the Church that is mainly in power.

There are ordinary believers. Above them is a priest. One Village usually has only one, or at maximum two priests. Above them is the high priests. They are at nearly the same strength as the priests, just a tad bit higher. There is one high priest per city. Above them all is the Cardinal. Though the Cardinal is said to be the highest, there is without a doubt someone who is above the Cardinal."

"You mean the goddess?" Ciel asked.

"Most probably. I am not really sure. I have never gone to the capital of the Holy Kingdom. The only thing I have heard is that there is a wide scale barrier all across the capital. But, it doesn't react to magicules. So it is not a spell or skill. I haven't investigated it, so I can't say anything concrete about that."

"How are monsters treated there?" Rimuru asked.

"Hmm.... That's an interesting point. Most intelligent monsters are seen as fellow living beings and often ignored. They have a form of contract starting that they will ignore each other. Even though that's what it states, monsters are often captured and sold as slaves. I am sure you understand what happens to them. As for the monsters, they don't dare retaliate after being defeated so many times. They can only continue to live in fear."

"About the non-intelligent species? How are they dealt with?" Rimuru asked.

"If they invade, they are swiftly dealt with. But they usually do not take the offensive measure against them."

"What about the views on this continent?"  Ciel asked.

"About that. To tell you the truth, I have no idea. But they are most probably thinking of invading."

"The entire continent is United about this?"

"No. In reality, only the Holy Kingdom is pushing forward this request. Most other kingdoms believe that they should hold talks first."

"That makes sense. Why are they so adamant in fighting?"

"Who knows? But there is one thing I am sure about. They most probably know that I am from this continent."


I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now