CH-19 Walpurgis

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Rimuru's POV

As I was waiting, an eerie looking door appeared right in front of me, and out walked Mizeri.

"Congratulations on your revival, demon lord Rimuru-sama. It is an honour to see you both in good health." Mizeri said in a formal tone.

"Please follow me to the Walpurgis banquet." Mizeri said as she guided us through the door.

This time, the meeting is to be held in Milim's territory. So I thought that Guy wouldn't use this eerie looking door, yet he did. I really don't understand his taste. Instead of thinking of all these, I just proceed through the door.

As I come out of the door, I am greeted by a pleasant surprise. Instead of that suffocating, scary room where Walpurgis were always held, I was under the open sky. In front of me was a circular table, with a lot of chairs around it. The Sun was shining above my head. That was clear proof that this is not the real world but a seperate world.

"Bestieeee...." I hear a voice coming closer to me. I prepare myself for impact.


Milim came crashing into me. Luckily, I held my ground or else we both would have been on the ground. Just to make this clear, she really didn't hold back. The air ripples in the space around us is proof.

I look down to see Milim hugging me.

"Bestieeee. Did you know how lonely I was? Why did you have to fight Ivarage all alone. I know my dad is stupid to create something like that."

Stop it.

"And then not even give it free will of its own. Only a stupid would that."

No, really. Stop it.

"If that wasn't stupid enough, he made it guard the multi dimensional barrier. He can't even control his monster urges to destroy everything."

I could literally hear something breaking.

"I am sorry your dad is so stupid." Veldanava said in a low whisper whole shedding tears. I look over Milim to see that Lucia was trying to console him, and Guy was having a good laugh.

Milim continued to vent as to how she was unsatisfied to not be able to fight Ivarage and that I had died on my own instead of asking her for help, before finally calming down and sitting down in her seat.

I also take my seat besides Ciel. Slowly, one by one, all the demon lords arrived. They all congratulated me for my revival before taking their seats. Even Chloe, Velgrynd and Masayuki were invited. Including Veldora, who came along with Ramiris, all of the strongest in the world has arrived here. I wonder what Veldanava wants to say.

"Well then, I, Veldanava, now signal the beginning of this get together, because this cannot be called a Walpurgis now, can it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. I looked around and saw that one seat was still empty. Who's left?

"Alright. As I had promised, I would shed some light on the questions you all had. But, before that, there is one other person whom I would like to invite. Someone you all know very well, Luna."

As Veldanava said that, a gate opened, through which Luna appeared. Luna is the queen of Hyme, the mermaid Kingdom, and is one of the three people appointed by Veldanava. She was the observer of this world.

She came and gave a greeting before taking a seat. With no more empty seats, I am sure that the meeting, or whatever you can call this, will begin in earnest.

"First of all, to everyone apart from Dino, congratulations on ascending to the realm of Gods. What I mean to say is, that you all are now effectively Gods."




HUUUUUH? What does he mean God? What's going on? When did this happen? I looked around to see that I wasn't the only one who was confused. Everyone was. EVEN GUY WAS!!

"Alright. Let me explain. Gods are beings who have immense control over their surroundings and have unimaginable power, which all of you have. But, to ascend and become a God, a few specific criteria need to be fulfilled. The criteria depends from person to person, but the few most common ones are to evolve your ultimate skill, to God skill. The prime example would be Rimuru's «Void God Azatoth», Chloe's «God of Space-Time Yog-Sothoth» or Guy's « Abyss God Noden». Another important thing is that, being a God, you cannot be a subordinate to anyone else.

That is the reason why Dino didn't evolve into a God."

We all started at him. Even Ciel was trying to comprehend what was going on. Ciel had all the information that VOTW has, so this must be something beyond. Being a God must have meant to be outside the scope of the VOTW, so she is unable to gather enough information.

"As for the others, you all have also completed various criteria to evolve into a God." Veldanava said.

"I never felt any increase in power or went through any evolution, though? You sure, Veldanava?" It was Guy who asked this.

"Yes. I am completely sure. Recognising you as a God is not something that the VOTW can do on its own. As such, you do not undergo any evolution. In reality, all of you have already evolved to the highest stage of your respective evolution lines.

Now then, I am sure you have a lot of doubts, but please follow me." Veldanava said as he stood up and opened a gate. I guess that would explain why we weren't served any food or drinks yet. We weren't staying here any way.

We all stood up as well, and made our way towards the new portal he had opened. After passing through it, we were in a yet new dimension. The floor was paved, and we were surrounded by walls with golden streaks running through it. As I looked around, there were various things on display, weapons, armors, small circular objects which seemed to be cores, all the way to statues of different people in different poses. But the thing that obviously stood out was the thing right in front of us.

It was a large white board, with names written in a vertical column, one below the other in grey, and directly in front of them were numbers, as if they were points.

"What is this?" Chloe asked.
"This is the Hall of Fame. The hall of fame for those who achieved something phenomenonal, not in this world, but in the history of the universe."

As he said that, I tried to read the names of the people written on the board, yet each and every name was incomprehensible. It wasn't that it was being hidden. No. I just couldn't read or understand it. It was as if it was in another language.

"These are the ones from all the eras combined. There are many people from different eras who made it here in hall of fame." Veldanava said.

He then moved towards the board, and started to fiddle with, what appeared to be, the control of the board. The names on the board changed once, twice, thrice, a total of six times before coming to a halt. I am sure I saw Veldanava's name, even though for a split second, I am sure it was him. His name wasn't written in grey, but rather in black. Not only his, but as he kept changing the names, more and more of them appeared to be written in black.

As we read through these names, we saw a familiar name on the board. Everyone of us was surprised. There was not only one, but six names on it which were known to us.

But what caught me even more by surprise was the name somewhere near the middle.

After all it was....


I hope you guys like it. Guess who might be the familiar name Rimuru sees. Well, it should be quite easy.

Anyways, to all my readers, A MERRY CHRISTMAS. I hope you guys enjoy Christmas.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now