Ch-94 Nihilium

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??? POV

As the man approached the wall, his hands got covered by a dark mist. So he can already control Turn Null. Not bad. Atleast he isn't as bad as I expected. Though his control over it is crude, he can atleast control it enough to not let it go out of control.

He smashed the wall with his hand after covering it in Turn Null, causing cracks to appear on the wall. Seeing that this had an effect, He punched the walls a few more times causing the walls, and then the entire space collapse. It was certainly a way to escape, but it was much more violent than what I wanted him to do. Looks like I'll have to reveal myself, even if he didn't follow the path I wanted him to.

Rimuru's POV

Once the entire space around me was destroyed, I was surrounded by darkness. The feeling of nothing surrounding me reminded me of the End of Time and Space. The only difference being that the concentration of Turn Null here is much much more than what was there.

What am I supposed to do now? I looked around and only found darkness. Yet, in this complete void, I saw something move. It was even darker than its surroundings. Rather, it was so dark that I couldn't even see it. The only way I realised something was there is because whenever it moved, the nearby void would become harder to see.

As it slowly came closer to me, I was able to discern its shape. It was just a round blob of mass, which slowly took a humanoid shape nearly 10 feet tall. Instead of a face, he had a purple vortex and his body, which was covered by a purple coat easily showed his slender body.

"So you are Rimuru Tempest?" The figure on front of me said with in a regal voice. His voice was full of divinity. It felt as if the void itself was resonating with what he said.

"That's correct. And I assume you are Nihilanthian?" I ask. Hearing this, I could feel him smiling. Even though he didn't have a face, I understood how he felt, for some reason.

"That's right. I am Nihilanthian, the God of Void."
"... I see. So what do I have to do?" I ask.

"That depends on you and your talents. Before you, only one other person has ever managed to enter this place. It took him three times the time that you took to escape the void prison I had set up."

"Doesn't that mean I am better than him?"
"No. Not really. He couldn't use Turn Null like you did. He escaped it the way it was supposed to be done. The only reason your method even succeeded was because I wanted to skip explaining the basics to someone who had yet to acquire turn null."

"Skip explaining?"

"The way to obtain Turn Null. Turn null is not something that you can learn to control involuntarily. Though you can control Turn Null, it is a crude way of doing so. It is without a doubt self taught and full of mistakes. But, none the less, you are the first and most probably the only person apart from me who had learnt how to use Turn Null without my help and completely instinctively."

Umm.... Should I tell him that Ciel can use it as well?

"What is it boy? If you want to say something, then say it." Nihilanthian spoke up. I could feel my eyes going wide. How did he know?

"... You see.... Even my wife can control Turn Null. Rather, she is even better at controlling it than me." I finally decided to tell him. Nihilanthian started at me for some time.

"... Your wife? Is she a Goddess?"
"Yes. She is also taking part in this awakening ceremony."

"Is that so.....? To think that there would be two individuals who can use Turn Null. What a surprise." After that, he remained quiet as if pondering something.

"Alright. Let's forget about that. I will teach you a few things. If you are able to learn them, then you can have my inheritance."
"What do you mean learn?"

"Turn Null that you use is just the most basic form of Void. It is the easiest to control and often thought of as the void, but it is nothing but a cheap imitation of it. Boy, release your Turn Null in that direction." He said pointing in front of me. I did as he instructed and released my Turn Null.

Since we were in free space, I expected the Turn Null to become a spherical shape, but instead it became a random shape, just floating in space. Seeing that he didn't tell me to stop, I continued to release more and more Turn Null, after I had released nearly 10000 litres of volume of Turn Null did he finally tell me to stop.

"That's enough. How are reserves?"
"Are you talking about Turn Null? I have, like an infinite supply of it."

"Infi...nite supply? Do you have a subspace filled with void as well?"

"That's right."

"You really were blessed by Lady Luck. Are you sure you are not related Fortuna?"


"She is the the goddess of luck and fortune. Anyways. Leave that. Let's get back to what I was about to show you. Now that you have an unlimited supply of Turn Null, teaching you world be a lot faster." He said as he produced a drop of a black liquid.

The liquid wasn't black, it was void. It was absorbing everything that came to close to it, even light.

"This is nihilium. The true form of Void." As soon as he says that, the drop made its way to my Turn Null, and as soon as it touched it, all of my Turn Null was absorbed into that single drop at an explosive rate.

"Did you see that? Nihilium is so much more stronger than turn Null, that they can't even compare. Nihilium is one of the most primordial energies along Stardust.

Your ancestor had managed to have complete mastery over Turn Null, but he was unable to control nihilium. As such, he never managed to reach the peak that I have reached. Let's see how far you can go. I will impart the information about nihilium into your soul directly. If you are able to understand it then I will consider it a success."

"What do you mean under-
*AAAAHHHH" Before I could even finish my question, I felt excruciating pain. It felt as if my soul was being stretched apart. I could feel something flow into me, but the pain was so bad that I didn't have any time to check what it was.

After what felt like an eternity did the pain slowly subside. Once the pain was fully gone did I get a proper look on what was going on. I controlled my haggard breathing and looked at my hands which were all bloody. I quickly summoned some water to use as a mirror and created a fireball to give light. My eyes, nose, ears, mouth. Blood. There was blood coming out of everywhere. It was as if my internal organs had failed.

"Wow! You look much better than what I had expected." Nihilanthian said with a wide smile


I hope you guys like it. There might be some typos, so please tell me if there are any.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now