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3rd Person POV

"Seventh Era soul?" Rimuru asked curiously.

"That's right. You are the first Seventh Era soul. You could also be called their progenitor." Veldanava, who had teleported behind him, replied.

"Just like Gods, souls also have their own Era in which they are created. The First Era Souls obviously being to the First Era Gods.

Upon their death, their soul shattered into many pieces. These pieces then came together in a myriad of ways and formed new souls, which are called the Second Era Souls.

The First and Second Era Gods also created many souls on their own.. These should were granted the name of Third Era Souls. These souls, just like any other living creature began to evolve. It then evolved into fourth, then fifth and finally sixth Era Gods.

As can be expected from evolution. Each new Era of souls is better than the one before." Knox explained.

"Better? In what sense?" Rimuru asked.

"Who knows? Every new Era of soul gets better in different things. The fourth Era Souls were no longer solid, but instead had attained a spiritual form like ours right now. Fifth Era Souls evolved in such a way that it made reincarnation easier and smoother.

Who knows what changes the seventh Era soul underwent?" Knox replied nonchalantly.

"Wait! Doesn't this mean that the younger gods should be stronger than the elder ones?" Ciel asked.

"If we talk about their potential and skills, yes. But experience is quite an important factor. The experience of millions of years is not something that can be overcome just by this." This time, it was Yggdrasil who responded.

After Knox, Yggdrasil and Veldanava went quiet, the crowd again started bickering.

"... All right everyone. We can't stay like this forever. Let's begin with the match that we all had been looking forward to. First, let me give the stage to the younger generation to duel it out." Yggdrasil said loudly, clearly diverting attention from Rimuru.

Hearing Yggdrasil's announcement, Finn, in a white and golden Armor with his sword that Rimuru had seen in Finn's world, entered the arena followed by Rizzete, wearing a white and blue Armor and wielding a long rapier, and Cyrus.

Cyrus was an oddball, even amongst Gods. His purple coat his inside them numerous tarot cards. But unlike normal tarot cards, they were completely empty. Only he could see and understand them, and subsequently he was the only one who could use their powers. Cyrus was also the one who was spying on Rimuru in the Cardinal World even before he became a demon lord.

Seeing the three enter, everyone teleported back to their respective booths.

"That's Cyrus?" Chloe asked as she remembered the name of the person who was ranked second along with Rimuru on the hall of fame.

"That's right. He is also the person who had been spying on me in the Cardinal World, right Ciel?" Rimuru told her as he asked girl for confirmation.

"That's right. His card and his aura do seem to match the aura we had seen, even if it was for a split second." Ciel confirmed.

"Wait wait wait! He was spying on you?" Veldanava asked wide-eyed.

"Yes. That's right." Rimuru replied in a matter of fact tone.

"How? How did he manage to enter the Cardinal World? That too without letting me know? At thay tone, the multi-dimensional barrier had not fallen!" Veldanava replied in shock.

Suddenly, Rimuru realised just how grave this matter was. I closed world is technically completely under the supervision of its God. Even if Veldanava was dead, the VOTW should have raised that their was an intruder. But it did not respond.

"Doesn't that mean he can bypass the control and the barrier of VOTW?" Guy asked.

"That's right. This fight doesn't seem as simple now as it did a few moments ago." Veldanava replied grimly.

From the opposite end of the arena, Orcanyx walked in, followed by a large dragon man, who was easily two and a half meter tall. The height difference between him and Orcanyx seemed almost comical.

"So? Are you guys ready?" Orcanyx said with a slight laugh. If his blank face could show facial expressions, he would definitely be smirking.

"Just to make it a bit more fair, Only the two of us will fight. We will not involve or subordinates." Behemoth, the Dragon God said, clearly looking down on them.

But instead of saying anything back, the trio just looked at Yggdrasil, waiting for the battle to begin. Seeing that both the sides were ready, Yggdrasil nodded. The arena, wick was till now a concrete floor turned into soil. The entire landscape changed to that of a burnt land.

The remains of burnt trees and smell of ash and sulphur in the air clearly showed that the land was burnt not long ago.

"Since the challenged side has accepted the battle, they get to choose the battlefield." Yggdrasil explained, before signalling the start of the battle.

As soon as Yggdrasil signalled the start of the battle, Behemoth turned into his dragon form. His dragon form was nearly as big as Ivarage. If space magic was not used to increase the dimension of the battlefield, Behemoth would have trouble even flapping his wings.

But, since the space had been increased multiple folds, he could easily got around.

Rizzete and Finn used this chance to quickly get closer to Orcanyx. Orcanyx specialized more in long range magic battle than close quarter combats.

But that didn't mean Orcanyx didn't know how to fight. Her skills with a short dagger and hand to hand combat skills were at a level that she could even create a whole new style of fighting.

But, defeating Finn and Rizzete together was still nothing more than a pipe dream. So, Orcanyx used space magic to continuously magnify the space between herself and Rizzete and Finn, while firing multiple spells at them.

Finn and Rizzete continued to close the distance while avoiding the spells. Suddenly, a loud grumble spread across the battlefield. Orcanyx, Finn and Rizzete, who were locked in combat were suddenly attacked by Behemoth with his dragon's breath.

As the breath disappeared, Orcanyx did the without any injuries. In the place where Rizzete and Finn were, purple flowers were falling.

Cyrus had teleported the two to safety. Finn and Rizzete were surprised to see that Behemoth had attacked his own ally, but seeing Orcanyx come out unscathed, they realised it was their plan all along.

Four purple cards floated in front of Cyrus. He continued to use up the cards, attacking both Orcanyx and Behemoth at the same time with spells. The spells varied from basic level such as fireball to high level such as space Slash.

Rizzete and Finn also regained their footing and dashed at Orcanyx. It was too difficult for them to attack Behemoth, who was flying in the sky, so they decided to prioritise attacking and defeating Orcanyx.


I hope you guys like it.

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