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3rd Person POV

Aboard a large military ship, Shinsha and Hikari were deciding their plan of action. Shinsha had already practiced many tactics in an imaginary world against Rimuru, though she had won none of the matches. Since her experience was only against Rimuru, it could be said to be massively biased.

Rimuru, with less number of troops and worse quality of weapons had still managed to easily destroy Shinsha, regardless of whatever she had planned. Shinsha had lost, not because she was a bad commander, but simply because her enemy was Rimuru. But Shinsha herself didn't know this.

She believed that their opponent would be someone in the same level of intellect as Rimuru, as such, she was taking the battle defensively.

"Shinsha, you might be the general of the war, but don't forget, that in the ocean, it is my troops who will be fighting. I will take charge if something happens."
"Sure. I don't mind. You are older than me, so you have more experience than me. It is only natural for you to lead your troops. It will improve their morale as well, being commanded by you, rather than me."

"So? What's the plan?"

"As much as I want to strike them right now, the efficiency of our long weapons at this range isn't that high. We'll have to stay put for now. As for the plan, it's simple.

We have nearly 500 ships, in contrast to theirs 700. But we also have about fifty of the elite mermaids under you and most importantly two S-class beasts. So here's the plan. We will spread the ships in a wide line and divide them into two parts. In front would be about 200 ships which will set up wind barriers and 200 more ships will fire from behind them.

As for the remaining 100 ships, they will be divided into two groups of fifty each. One will come our balls to make sure we are not ambushed. The other 50 ships will flank from the right. We will send one of the S-class, preferably the dragon to flank from the left. This will force them to either retreat back or stay put and get surrounded.

If they let us surround them, then we can just bombard them, or attack with Kraken, the other S-class monster. But I doubt it will be they easy.

If they retreat back, then we will slowly chip down their numbers until we reach this point." Shinsha said pointing to a map. Since it was mostly ocean, there was very little to discern how far it was, but the map was like an interface, made especially for military purpose. It had an inbuilt map and calculator. Instead of calling it a map, it would be much better to call it a high tech intractable Google maps.

"Well, that's the plan. I am sure things will completely change once we begin, so let's deal with that when the time comes. As for the opening, I will leave it to you, Lis." Shinsha said while looking over her shoulder.

"Understood, princess." Liscia said with a smile.

Over the last year, Shinsha had matured. The relation between the two had also changed. Liscia had vowed to serve Shinsha as her knight. At first, Shinsha was baffled by this, but got used to this later on.

"With that, I will go to sleep. Call me as soon as we are within fighting range. I doubt we will get much rest from here on out." Shinsha said as she proceeded to leave. Shinsha then entered her private chambers and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Hikari went to her soldiers to convey the battle plan to them.

"Hikari-sama, the plan seems to be well thought out on the larger scale, but minute details are missing." One of her subordinates spoke up.

"No point in thinking about it. We don't have much information on them, so the situation would remain rather dynamic. So instead of giving you orders now and changing last moment, it's better to stand by now. Anyways, I will be commanding this battle, so I expect you all to perform to the best of your abilities and not let me down." Hikari said in a serious tone.

"Hai." The soldiers replied on unison.

3rd Person POV

"- up Shinsha-sama, we are working attacking Range. Hikari-sama is about to begin." Shinsha woke up to Liscia bombarding her with information. "Sheesh. You could have woken me up a bit earlier."

"I tried. But you didn't wake up princess." Liscia said as she quickly prepared to leave.

She quickly put on her military uniform and left after her. Upon reaching the ships control room, Liscia bowed and left, informing everyone that hey attack would signal the beginning in the war. Shinsha took her seat as the General of the Army, while Hikari was sitting closer to the monitors to have proper information of the war.

The inside is this ship was highly modified, so much so, that a person might believe it is a ship meant to sail in space rather than in the ocean.

Shinsha was just sitting in her chair with her eyes closed. Hikari would be leading the battle, so there is no need for her to do anything. She will only intervene if things get out of hand.

"Well then Liscia. Start us off." Hikari spoke up. Liscia, who was standing in the deck, nodded. Even though Liscia is directly under Shinsha and has no need to regard to Hikari's order, since she is participating in this way, she has to obey.

Liscia lifted her left hand and pointed it at the upcoming vessels. A small black sphere, barely a centimetre in diameter, formed on the tips of her finger. The sphere quickly made its way to the opposing ships, greatly increasing in its size as it made its way. By the time it reached the event ships, the ball was already a kilometre in diameter.

The ball continued to swell up before exploding, destroying all the ships in close proximity.

"Hit confirmed. From the data, nearly 300 ships have already fallen." A captain who was in charge of the monitors responded.

"Hmph. Looks like I overestimated them. No need to worry. Charge in, just as we had planned. We will surround and sink them." Hikari said in a merry voice. Liscia, who had just returned into the room was met with delighted face, yet she herself was not. She just smiled back, hiding her own doubts, only revealing them to the one she had decided to serve.

"Princess, something feels wrong."
"I know. I could see you here yourself back. There is no way you could have managed take down so many scattered ships in a single hit like that. Also, there is very little debris, considering that nearly 300 ships have been sunk." Shinsha commented lightly, so as to not be overheard, but Hikari did manage to hear it.

"Oh? Then what do you think Shinsha? Where could they be? The sky is clear and the ocean is calm. Where can they hide from us?" Hikari asked. There is no way the ships could be hidden in the clear ocean, so there is no doubt that the ships have sunk.

"..." Shinsha didn't reply. She had, after all, nothing to say. She herself had no idea what could be happening, so she didn't say anything. She just continued to look at the monitors. One monitor showed the enemy ships, while another showed the Ally ships. Aboard one of these ally ships, something caught Shinsha's attention. Two people were having a friendly spar on the deck.

One of the man managed to disarm the other, causing his sword to fly through the air and fall into the ocean.

"Se what you did. I told you to hold yourself back." The man who lost his sword spoke up.

"Sorry sorry." The other man said with a grin.

"Can't even see the damn sword anymore." The man said looking over the deck. Hearing this something clicked in her mind.


I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now