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Rimuru's POV

Once we made our way into the room, we were greeted by the true dragons, or subordinates, well most of them, and also, Knox.

"Congratulations. That was truly an impressive fight." Knox was the first one to speak up.

"Why did you not come to fight yourself? Why send a clone?" I ask.

"Well, of I had taken part, it wouldn't have been much of a fight, would it?"

"True. If he had participated, you all would have been wiped out. I can attest to his strength, after all we fought side by side many, many millennia ago." Veldanava said while laughing.

The fact is, that none of us could deny this claim. But that just leaves one more question, why even fight?

"Well, I had to see just how strong the future generations of the Cardinal World are. After all, now that Veldanava is retiring, you so will be the one controlling the Cardinal World in earnest now."

"Father's retiring? Retiring from what?" Milim asked confused. Seeing Milim ask this question, Knox looked confused as well before turning to look at Veldanava.

"You didn't tell them?" Knox asked Veldanava.

"I was going to. I just didn't get the right time."

"Well, I won't explain to you what it meant by him retiring, but I am sure he will explain it in due time." Knox said as he walked towards the gate. He stopped besides me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I won't apologize to you for not helping you. Helping mortals isn't my duty. Neither will I apologize for what happened with your brother, Lucas. Nor will I ask for your forgiveness. But I will tell you this. Lucas and Aria are in a much better place now. Together. Atleast this is something I can assure you." After saying that, he just left. Neither did he look back, nor did he wait to listen to my reply.

I don't even know how to reply. Luckily, everything is fine. Ciel is alive, and so am I. Brother and sister-in-law are also fine according to Knox. I don't know how much I can trust Knox, but he had no reason to lie to me. And even if he was, as unfortunate as it is, I can't do anything. I can't do anything apart from believing him.

I could feel everyone looking at me. Looks like they heard what Knox said to me.

"Well, Veldanava. There's a lot you have to explain to us now. What do you mean retiring? What job are you retiring from?" I ask him, trying to change the topic. And luckily, nobody decided to pursue to the topic as Veldanava began to explain.

"You see, I told you about the Great War between the Third Era God and the First and Second Era Gods, right?" Veldanava asked and we nodded. Though we don't much about it, Veldanava did tell us about it.

"Well, that isn't the complete truth. There is more to it. You see, all of us creatures are divided into two main categories. Categories that we call the Pandemonium and Order.

These two are like antithesis of each other. We are creatures of orders. To us, communicating is an important part of our lives. We grow stronger while staying inside certain limits. These limits may not necessarily be good or bad, but it atleast follows the common norms.

Things like betrayal, cannibalism and being deceitful are looked down upon. There is a strict hierarchy, which is difficult to break. The Gods remain Gods, and their followers remain followers. There are very examples of people like you who break the rules and rise above it.

But Chaos is the complete opposite. A lawless world where anything and everything goes. Betrayal and murder are a daily occurrence in the thousands. Parents kill and eat their own child and siblings kill each other for their own benefits. The weak are treated as tools, used and disposed. But, even the weak have a chance. If they survive. If they use their wits, it isn't impossible to get stronger. Those who follow Chaos are not bounded by the limitations of their physical body or their soul. They can grow infinitely without anything to limit them.

I won't deny that the weak are still treated badly here, but their condition is much better than what happens in the world of Chaos. The Great War was actually the war between Order and Chaos.

Both the Order and Chaos wanted to expand. They wanted to prove to each other that they were better. That they were superior. This led to a bitter war. A war that lasted tens of millennia.

Both the chaos and Order sides lost many of their strongest beings. Many First Era Gods died in that Great War. The Second Era Gods that supported them were also severely hurt.

The reason for such large losses was because of betrayal of the Third Era Gods. Many of them turned traitor and joined the Chaos side. They leaked all of the information of the Order, allowing Chaos to capitalise.

But, despite all that, the Order side somehow managed to hold on. All the remaining First Era Gods sacrificed themselves to seal away the major forces of Chaos.

The remaining forces reached a ceasefire and decided to live away from each other and not interfere. It is us Gods who were then given two important duties.

First was to raise and nurture the next generations of Gods who would protect the worlds from Chaos. And second was to protect the seal that is holding all the forces of Chaos." Veldanava explained to us.

"And where exactly is that seal?" Ciel asked, to which Veldanava just gave a smile.

"In your hands." Veldanava said as he pointed to the World Core that Ciel had in her hands.

"That core which controls and maintains a world requires massive amount of energy. Where do you think it gets that energy from? It converts the Energy of the Chaos forces and uses it to maintain our world.

If by any chance the core were to break, the Miasma inside would begin to leak out. That Miasma is highly poisonous to us, creatures of Order. It is like pollutants in the air. Short doses would give us coughing and make us feel suffocated, but long term exposure can lead to damage to our magicule reserves and veins in our body, making it harder to control and channel your magicules."

After veldanava's explanation, everyone was in a deep trance. I looked around to see that everyone was busy trying to sort out this information.

"Well, you guys don't need to worry about it. Even though the soul is weakening, it will still take nearly ten to twenty millennia before the situation becomes serious. That should be enough time for us to find a way to strengthen the seal or erase them completely.

Come. Let's go back to the Cardinal World." Veldanava said as he opened a portal back to the Cardinal World.


I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now