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Shinsha's POV

"Do you know each other, father?" I ask.
"Yeah. As suspicious as it might have sounded, she really was telling the truth. We did ask her to help you control your aura. I am sure you can feel it as well. She is someone who has managed to perfect her control over fate." Father told me.

At first, I couldn't believe it, but if father is saying so, then it must be true.

"I had my doubts when you said you already knew Shinsha, but this confirms it. To think that you really were a God of this world, Origin Floyen." Floyen?! Could she be the wife of that Hero?

"Haha. As I said, fate loves to play pranks." The woman, who father called Origin said with a slight laugh.
"Well, as much as I want to, I can't completely trust you. So I hope you don't mind me and Ciel sitting here."

"Of course not. I can completely understand the feeling of leaving your daughter alone like that. After all, even Ellen is of the same age. Oh, Ellen is my daughter, you know? She is just so cute." Origin said as she continued to brag on about her daughter.

"Alright. I can understand what you mean to say, so can you get to the point? I'll have to talk to Rovel regarding what is going on in this continent as well." Father said as he urged Origin to teach me.

"Fine fine." Origin said with a pout.

"Before we start, let me tell you an important thing. Fate is of two types. Predetermined and Undetermined. Predetermined fate is something that will happen, regardless of what you do.

If someone has a Predetermined fate of dying in a specific day, then regardless of what he tries to do, he will die that day. Until and unless someone or something changes that Predetermined Fate to Undetermined Fate.

And that is exactly what control over fate allows you to do. As for Undetermined Fate, they are usually categorised into three types depending upon how difficult it is to change. Obviously, there is no strict classification separating the three from each other.

Weak fate is easy to change and can often be changed by the person in question through a single or a series of easy steps. Like, going out for a walk can change someone's fate.

Similarly, a strong fate is difficult to change and requires calculated steps to change. Like strategizing before a war.

But superior fate is very very hard to change. It can take years of work just to change it.

Right now, VOTW will help you understand how strong a fate is, and how easy it is to change it. I am sure you have seen people covered in an aura of different colours.

These colours can be different for different people. For me, a red aura indicated a predetermined aura. For you, it can be different....."

For the next few hours, until sunrise, Origin-sensei taught me a lot of things. At first, father and mother were skeptical of sensei, but now they have begun to trust her a bit. After some time, father had left, wine mother stayed here with me, listening to Origin-sensei.

Rimuru's POV

I teleport to the Floyen residence. I quickly locate Rovel's aura and find him alone in a room, with a young girl, who was barely five. I am assuming she is Ellen, his daughter. As much as I don't want to interrupt them, I teleport into the room.

"I thought you wouldn't come, you were looking for a long time from afar." Rubel commented as he turned towards me.

"Daddy, who is he?" The girl asked as she peeked from behind Rovel's feet.

"Don't worry Ellen. He is just my friend. Why don't you go to your room? I'll talk to him for a while." Rovel said as he put Ellen down. Ellen just nodded and made her way towards the door, and left the room, yet my eyes remained fixed on her as I traced her aura across the wall.

"What? Stop staring at her. I know she's cute but you are acting a creep." Rovel taunted.

"Hmph. Who would have guessed that your daughter will be this adept at controlling elements."

"What do you mean? Though she is talented in controlling fire and water, her control over the other elements is not that good." Rubel asked as he glared at me.

"You misunderstood me. I didn't mean the elements of nature. I meant the elements of this world itself, atoms. Her control over atoms and molecules is immaculate. She could easily manipulate microscopic particles after proper training."

"Atoms? What's that?"

Do they don't know about atoms?

"Nothing. Anyways, I came here to discuss about the Church."
"The Church? You mean those idiots?" Rovel asked as he looked outside the window towards a few holy knights that were stationed here.

"To tell you the truth, I hate them. They are taking large chunks of our resources as donations and I can't even find where they are using these resources. They just go to the main cathedral in the capital and disappear.

Personally, I believe there is a gate in the main cathedral connecting our world to another one. They are taking away all our resources to their own world."

"If you are so sorry about that, why don't you take action?"

"It's not that simple. None of them are a real problem, except that Goddess. Truth be told, I've only ever seen her once. The way she moved, talked, everything! It all looked real, yet their was no soul in that body. It was just an intricately made body double. And the strength of that body double is easily on par with me. If me and Origin fought it together, we might win, but then the main body would most definitely take action.

I can't do such risky things. I still have a daughter to take care of." Rubel said with a sad smile on his face.

"Alright. I'll help out with this matter. After all, this is my world as well. Who knows what she will do once she had destroyed this continent."

"Even if you help, what exactly can we do? We have no clue how strong she really is. To add salt to the injury, we have no clue if other Gods are supporting her or not."

"Isn't there a very easy way to know that?"
"Let's just go to the main cathedral and ask her."


Rovel stared at me as if I had lost my mind. He was about to say something, but I stopped him.

"Now, now. Listen to me first. There's no way they goddess would fight us if we were to not attack her. Otherwise, she would have already launched an all-out assault if she was not afraid of us."

"Are you serious?"
"Yes. Let's go right now." I say as I open a portal right below our feet and apply gravitation magic to prevent him from escaping.

We both feel through the portal on the backside of the cathedral. I had already taken the coordinates before going to meet Shinsha.

"You basta*d. Bloody hell. Atleast warn me." Rovel grumbled.
"If I had done that, you wouldn't have come. Anyways, come on. Let's go inside. We have already come this far." I say as I enter the cathedral, followed by Rovel.


I hope you guys like it.

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