CH-14 Prelude to the semifinals

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Liscia's POV

"Fine. But think about what I just said. Don't blame me if you are too late." Tia said as she left the room.


"Gwahahaha. That was quite interesting. I am surprised you managed to hold yourself back."

I turn around to see Ria walk out of the bath. Our room is quite a luxurious one with a bath inbuilt. I guess Ria was overhearing our conversation from there.

"Don't mess with me. I was this close..." I say by bringing my left index finger and thumb together, emphasising the little to no patience I had left.

"This close to outright murdering her."

"Haha. You can say that again. So was I." Ria said. Her cheerful tone did a complete 180. She became serious. I have only ever seen her be this serious once, and that was when we fought against father to show him how much we had grown. That was the only time I had seen her go all out.

"By the way, you should take restrain your aura. We can't go out like this." Ria said, reverting back to her cheerful tone. As soon as she mentioned that, I realised that my aura had gone out of control. I quickly bring it back under my control. Our rooms have a special barrier that prevents any magic or aura, or any magicule influenced by a living creature to pass through it. Only free magicules could pass through the barrier.

"Hmph. You say that, but your own aura is running rampant." I taunt her. I am the elder one here. How dare she talk to me like that. Hmph.

"Well, it's not really my fault. Having to hear what that idiot thought. I mean just how stupid can you be?"
"*Sigh* I agree. If it wasn't for Ciel-sama's orders, I would have skinned her alive."

"By the way, Ciel-sama did tell us that she doesn't care what happens to her after she loses her purposes." Ria said.
"Yes so?"

"Let's make a deal. Whoever wins today, gets to decide how to torture her." Ria said. Quite an interesting proposal.

"Very well. I Guess this counts as another reason for me to win, doesn't it?" I say merrily as I leave the room.

As we both leave the girls dorms, we see a familiar face.

"Jeb." I call out to him. He is the best in our grade after us, that is. He had a toned body, and well built muscles. He is not bulky, but he has well trained muscles, none the less. His traits as a Lizardmen were easy to see. His long and sturdy tail often acted asa fifth limb for him in battles.

"Oh! Liscia-sama. Ria-sama. It's an honour to see you." Jeb said.

"Jeb. You see, regarding the competition, I wanted you to do a favour for me." I ask him.

"And that is?"

"You know how all of us get to make one demand before the semifinals? I want you to demand the information on the skills of all the combatants. Even those who were knocked out in the quarter finals." I ask.

Before the semifinals, each of the four participants can ask for one thing which might help them in their battle. The drawback is, that it is not only then who recieve it, but everyone else. For example, if i were to ask for a custom made long sword, everyone else will receive the same custom made long sword, only for the duration of that fight.

The point is, information like this would be revealed, not only to the fighters, but the audience as well. That will most definitely bring an end to this entire charade. After that, Tia's true form would be laid bare in front of everyone.

3rd Person POV

What Liscia was planning to do, was exactly what Ciel had told Jeb to do. In reality, Jeb had just received a thought communication from Ciel. At first he was baffled, to be contacted by Ciel, but soon regained his composure as Ciel told him what he had to do. After understanding what he was meant to do, he made his way towards the arena. Coincidentally, the girl's dorm was in the way of the arena. Just as he was passing by, he was called out by Liscia.

At first, he didn't understand why Liscia wanted to talk to him. Yet, he was met by a pleasant surprise when Liscia asked him to do the same thing as Ciel had told him to do. As such, he didn't make a fuss and after to do it. He didn't know why or for what purpose he was asked to do this, but that didn't matter to him. That is just how much trust Tempestians had in Ciel.

As the trio made their way towards the arena, they were greeted by everyone in the way. Everyone cheered and wished them luck for their semifinals. The fight between Alicia and Jeb was more or less decided. There was no doubt that Jeb would win. The real battle was between Liscia and Ria. Whoever amongst the two won, would effectively be the champion. Even though it was the semifinals, there was no doubt that people saw this as the finals.

As the trio made their way into the arena, they were met with Alicia. The sole person who had made it to the semifinals and didn't belong to the Tempest academy.

Ciel's POV

After taking care of some small matters they were left, I made way towards the arena with Benimaru in tow. As I make my way towards the arena, the entire academy seemed quite desolate. There was no one in sight. All of the people had already gone to academy's arena. There was no staff in any of the buildings. Even the staff were in the arena. I guess this shows just how much today's match is worth to everyone.

I quickly reach the arena and start the competition posthaste. After the introduction of every semifinalist, they all lined up in front of me. Usually they would do so in front of the principal of the school, but since I am the highest authority currently present, they now down me.

"As part of Tempestian culture, each one of you may ask for a singular object or piece of information to assist you in the semifinals. Do remeber that everyone else will also be given the item or information requested." I say. I am sure all of the semifinalists know about this, but I state it out none the less, so that any spectator who might not know about it will be informed.

""Hai."" They say in unison.

"First up, Alicia." I ask Alicia to state what she wants.

"A pistol. I desire a pistol to help me in the semifinals." This catches everyone by surprise. All of the four participating members were used to fighting in short range. If one were to get a gun, not only would it make new opportunities open up, but also make the battles more chaotic.

"Very well. What about you Jeb?"
"Your majesty. I would like to obtain information on everyone's skills who have fought in this arena, this year."
"Very well. Information about skills of all the eight participants will be made public."

Hearing this made Tia visibly shake, yet there was nothing she could do. The data, skills and all of its uses were made public. Many people were surprised to see Alicia have the unique skill «Queen» but even more surprised to see Tia's skill «Attract». And it didn't take long for everyone to connect the dots and raise his Tia might be, or rather most probably is controlling the prince of Ingrassia. Many people would have loved to consult her in detail regarding this, but, the match between Ria and Liscia came first.

"Ria. What do you desire?" Ciel asked.
"A small dagger, capable of cutting through any barrier of my opponent."
"Very well. And you Liscia?"


I hope you guys like it.

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