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Rimuru's POV

"Then what other way is there?" Chandra asked, as some hope had returned to her eyes.

"Break free from this system that is binding you to this world. Once you manage to that, and if you have enough inherent strength and talent, you will automatically become a God."

"Break free? There's no way that is possible. Even if it is, it will take too long."

"True. But you have time right now. In about half a year, there will be a fight between two, or rather, three worlds. I doubt Yggdrasil will make a move before that, so you have about six months." I informed them.

"Six months is too short of a time! What are we even supposed to do?" Chandra asked desperately.

"That's something you'll have to find out. I'll just give you a hint. Only this world is under this system that you follow. If you want to break free from this system, breaking free from this world is not only the safest, but the fastest way to do so."

"And how are we supposed to break free from this wor-, oh! I get it now." Arun said as sudden realisation hit him.

"But wait. Even when we came to your world, we didn't break free, right? We are still under this system, even though we had gone to your world."

"Once you are in another world, you are only under the system in name. If something were to go wrong, it cannot fix itself." I tell them.

"How do we we make it go wrong?" Chandra asked.

"I won't reveal everything to you. But, trust me, you'll be able to break free from it. Good luck. If, in six months, you manage to break free, contact me. We can discuss what to do then." I tell them.

"Very well. We'll contact you then. But, what happens when we break free, won't Yggdrasil realise that we have broken free?" Arun asked just as I had thought the topic had come to an end.

"... That's true as well. Once she realises that you are no longer under the system, she will definitely try to eliminate you. Hmmmm....." Just as I was thinking about what to do, Ciel suggested a way out.

"Why not create clones?"

"Huh? How is that going to help?" I ask.

"We can give them perfect clones which will become a part of the system. Once they leave this world, the system will be unable to make contact with them. Using this blind spot, if they manage to break free, they can send the clone back to this world instead of coming back. You can then remotely control the clone for the remainder of the time." Ciel explained.

"But even so, won't she realise it's a clone?"

"Well, not really. Until she specifically appraises you, I doubt she'll realise. And seeing how busy she is right now, I doubt she'll have the time to check you guys individually."


"Yes. There is a power struggle going on currently, and Yggdrasil seems to be the one causing it. So now, she will preparing for a duel between three Gods at the very least."

"I see. And I assume the duel is to be held in six months? I hope that's why you have us a deadline if six months." Chandra asked.

"Well, you're not wrong. The date is yet to be fixed, but it should be around six months. Better to be on the safe side and say four months."

"Alright. Let's say we manage to break free of this system. What then? How do we kill Yggdrasil?"

"Regarding that, we can fight them head on during the duel."

"But won't that drag our world into a power struggle? I'd rather avoid that, if possible."

"No. No not really. Since Yggdrasil is the Goddess in control of this world, and you are inhabitants of this world, of you manage to kill her, you get her spot as the God in charge of this world.

Once you have done that, you can change the outlook for world has. You can change factions as well."

"Hmmm... So it's much like how a government changes?"

"Sort of. You'll obviously have to keep promises that Yggdrasil made, took the time it doesn't affect you too negatively."

"I see. Now then, let's get to the main point. What do you want?" Arun asked, now that all his questions were answered.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a sly smile.

"No need to hide it. We all know you are no Saint. You are a Demon lord. I doubt you'll help us for no reason at all. What do you want from us?" Arun asked seriously. Chandra was eyeing us as well. Ciel was just calmly reading a book. Wait a minute! A book? Where did she get that?

I take a quick peek at the title of the book, that was thicker than her arm. It has to be atleast a few thousand pages. Modern history? Is she reading the history of this world? That's a good call. But where did she get that book from?

"You see, we already have everything we will ever want. So why don't you put up an offer. If we like it, we'll agree to helping." Ciel said as she slammed the book shut with a loud noise. After thinking for some while, Chandra spoke up.

"... What about the history of this world and the tower?" Chandra asked.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I got to know that you are from a world that had its history similar to ours, but somethings have changed. Since you are quite interested to know what exactly have changed Ave how, you are free to browse through the history books."

"I can do that by going to any bookstore. Do you mean to say there are confidential information that you have that no one knows of?"

"Exactly. And not some, but a lot of it. Not only that, even the towers. I am sure you have no use of the monsters in the tower, but don't you want to know what's inside those towers? Up at the very top?"

"As much as I want to do that, I can do it without your help." Just as I said that, a smirk appeared on Chandra's face as she showed me her interface.

Three unidentified individuals had teleported into the tower. Their biometrics and mana signatures have been registered. Due to violations of laws, their right to enter any tower had become void.

"So? You think this much is enough to stop me? I'll just barge in if I have to."

"If you do that, you'll never really find what you really want. After all, they'll just hide everything that you are looking for. Even you know that. So, in your stead, we'll do all the information gathering."

"... Not a bad deal, but not enough for me to take your side." I said as I stood up.

"But don't fret. I'll atleast help you become Gods. If you manage to stabilize and survive being attacked by other Gods, then I'll make sure you guys repay me." I said as I turned around and opened a portal.

"*Sigh* I didn't really want to do this, but I'll add this to the deal." Chandra said. Intrigued, I turned around to see Chandra removing her earrings.

"You think they'll make me change my decision?"

"Yes. Yes i do." Chandra said with a confident grin.


I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now