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3rd Person POV

In an unknown space in an unknown dimension, there was a huge castle. Surrounding the castle was a large town. With thousands of people of different species moving around. But, what was the most surprising was that even the weakest person in this entire town was no weaker than an Unawakened Demon Lord, while the strongest of the town could even fight Guy head to head.

But, what was even more terrifying was that inside the castle, there were hundreds of guards and each of them were as strong as Veldanava, a true God. Inside one of the rooms of this castle, around a round table, three people had gathered. There were seats for ten, yet only three were present.

"Why did you call all of us here?" A loud voice asked as the largest of the three spoke up. His face was covered by a cloth, and his armour covered any part of his body that should be visible. Yet, despite that it was easy to see that he had a muscular body.

"That's right. Controlling the world in place of our lords is already a pain." The other man said with a grunt as he slumped onto the table. He seemed to be the youngest and with how small his frame was compared to the other man, it could only be called comical. Compared to the other two, his power was nothing noteworthy. Yet, out of the three, he seemed to be the one who had the most burden.

"Well, that is why I called you here. You see, Ateet finally contacted me." A girl said. If one word could be used to describe her, it would be purple. She had purple hair and purple eyes. Her purple, revealing clothes left little for the observer to imagine as all her bountiful curves were displayed for the world to see. Be it her nails or the weapon she held, it was all purple. 

"Oh! She finally contacted us? I thought she had died or something. How many millennia has it been since she contacted us?" The man slumped on the table asked without even getting up to look seriously as the name of her previous comrade came into the meeting.

"That's right! They found our lord. Or lord is finally back!!" The woman said with a crazed smile on her face.

"I really believe our lord forgot a screw or two while making her." The larger man said.

"I know, right? Maybe creating Chimeras like her is not exactly the type of work that our lords should do." The other man agreed with him.

The girl continued to laugh maniacally. The other two were just creeped out, but they knew she would act that way, so they decided not to say anything to her. After some time, the woman finally calmed down and came out of whatever delusions she was thinking.

"What else did she say? Our lord had already told us that he would lose his memory. So how are you planning to bring him back? Let me tell you this, I am not going into their world this time." The smaller one said with a clear disapproval.

"I can't go either. If I go, then I will be found out a bit too quickly." The larger one said. The woman, who heard this just sighed.

"Don't worry. I didn't expect anything from you anyways. I will myself hi and talk to them. But, before that I would have to meet those three. Then I would have to get a disguise as well as a way to suppress my Chaos Energy and...." The woman continued to mutter as she started to organize her plan.

"If what she said is true then the remaining four also..." The larger man said.

"Yes. They might just come out of their seclusion. No. The definitely will." The smaller one said.

"I have decided! I will go there, right now!" The woman said as she stood up. Before the other two could even say anything, she was dashing for the door. She would have easily left the room had she not been stopped by another woman who stepped in.

She caught the woman by her collar and brought her back. The woman was wearing a maid attire and her black horns had a shiny glow in the darkness. Her tail which looked a lot like that of a dragon was floating just above the ground as she brought the woman back to her seat and dropped her as one would drop a cat on their bed.

"MMMIILLLLLIAAAA! LET ME GO!" The woman continued to scream all the way, trying to break free from the maid's, Milia's grip. But it was all for naught as she could accomplish nothing.

"Kuh! You are just a maid! Stop interfering with my business!" The woman said as she was about to stand up, but a sudden urge of aura made her sit straight and reconsider her choice of words.

"Do I really need to remind you of who I am? I am a maid only for my lords. For you all, I am the leader of the Ten Blades. So, you are to address me as such." Milia said with a scary smile on her face. The other women only nodded in fear. Contrary to how docile and fragile her outward appearances were, she was, in fact, the strongest one in the room.

"As for who will make contact with our lord, it will be you. But not now. Let us wait and watch for some time. We only have those Gods of order to watch out for. Let's not make any mistakes." Milia said as she gave the other woman the permission she wanted.

"By the way, do you think it was a success? You know, the entire soul evolution thing? I mean, our lord went so far as to lose his memory for it. If it didn't work then it was all for nothing, isn't it?" The smaller man asked. Unlike before, he was sitting up straight.

"I don't know. It's not like I have met Master. We will know soon enough anyways. For now, return back to your respective positions." Milia said as she left her room without a second glance. Once she left, the room was left in silence.

"So, um.., I will be leaving. Yeah. So, it was nice to meet you. I'll take my leave." The smaller man said as he stood up and left awkwardly.

"I will leave as well. Don't do anything reckless. Even if you are our lords creation, many of us don't look you in a favorable light. After all..... No. Nevermind. You know it the best out of us all. No need to feel guilty. It was our lord who decided to create you. You should be proud of it. Don't mess things up trying to prove yourself." The man with the larger stature said as he, too, left the room.

Once he left, the woman stood up violently while banging her hands on the table. The table had blood marks on it as blood continued to spill from the wounds that she had created in her palm by digging her nails into it.

"I know. After all, I am just a failure." The woman said while gritting her teeth.


I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now