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Rimuru's POV

I look down to see a sword piercing straight through my chest. Seeing the sword, Carrera gave up and finally fell to the ground.

The sword was pulled out forcefully, causing blood to splatter everywhere. I tried to move, but I could only stagger forward. I tried to heal myself, yet I was unable to. It took me some time, but I finally realised. Benimaru's sword was coated with poison. It was one of Ultima's speciality. But I had never expected them to work together to this extent. In terms of skills, these four together could even put up a fight against us demon lords. But what a pity.

I quickly release my aura and forcefully dissolve the poison flowing through my blood. It was a special type of poison that hindered healing and movement. But most of all, if left untreated, it could cause severe damage to the body and internal organs in a matter of minutes.

Benimaru was obviously not going to let this opportunity go by. He continued to attack me with everything he had while I was busy dissolving the poison and healing myself. The neurotoxin was strong enough to prevent me from moving, yet it was not fatal at all in the short run. It was directly aimed at stopping my movements, not to kill me.

I guess that would explain why it is so highly effective. It not only effects by body, but even my soul. But, that is all it can do. Even though I am unable to move, I am still able to block Benimaru's attack. If Testarossa was still in the fight, then they might have had some chance, but now? None. There's no way I would lose to a single opponent just because I lost my focus.

For the next five minutes, I continued to parry Benimaru's sword with my bare hands. After the poison had been completely dissolved, I moved a single step towards Benimaru. Understanding what this meant, prepared himself for a final stand. He brought up his sword, but I just dashed at him and held his sword with my left hand and punched him in the guts with my right, causing him to crash straight into the barrier, while I still have his sword in my left hand.

I stab the sword into the ground and continue to walk towards him.

"You do know what it means to go against me, don't you?" I ask loudly so that the entire audience could hear.

".... Death..... Death is the only thing that awaits those who rose up against you." Benimaru said after hesitating for a while.

Looks like he remembered well what I taught him when Tempest was just formed. After all, being kind to traitors would put a bad image of the nation.

I pull Benimaru up, and hold his neck with my left hand. I bring my mouth closer to his ear so that he is the only one who could hear my next words.

"All of this might be a farce, but don't ever dare to even joke about putting Ciel in any danger. Death would be a blessing for that crime."

I say as I pierce his chest with my right hand and he falls lifeless onto the ground.

3rd Person POV

As Benimaru falls to the ground, the entire arena falls silent. The humans are holding in their drawn breaths, afraid of what might come next, but the monsters in the other hand didn't seem to care, after all, they knew just how loyal the four were to Rimuru. They knew something was going on, but decided not to think too hard on it and just enjoy the fight.

Now, that the fight had ended, they were just waiting for the four to revive. Reviving from the dead might be an art that is considered lost in human realm, but fir the monsters, it wasn't too big of a deal.

Rimuru slowly walked towards the centre of the arena. As he did so, black aura spread from his body and envelope the four dead bodies on the ground. After a few seconds, all their injuries were healed and they began to move. They quickly kneeled behind Rimuru.

"So? Will you still fight? Or will you serve me like before?" Rimuru asks with a grin on his face.

""Obviously we will serve you milord."" They say in unison.

"So? Why did you decided to rebel against me."

"Because we wanted to see if Rimuru-sama was still the same." Benimaru replied.

"Shut it. You just wanted to see how much stronger you had become." Rimuru said with a grin.

"Well, you guys might have become stronger, but there is still a long way to go. For now, let's clean up the mess around the city." Rimuru said. The four understood what he was talking about and swiftly took action.

"I hope you guys enjoyed our fight. Please look forward to the remaining days of the festival." Rimuru said before leaving the arena.

The entire arena erupted into applause. After calming down, they all went back to the stores they were running out to enjoy the festivities, but were surprised to see that certain places were burnt. Most overlooked it at done mistake by cooks or others using fire who made a beeline for the arena without putting out fire properly. Only a few really knew that these small burn marks were all that were left of a supposed, 'big and grand' revolution.

Meanwhile, some time ago...

Two people were watching the arena from far away. One of them was the man who had plotted the entire revolution, and the other was the one who was ordering him, Tia.

"T-T-Tia-sama? I-isn't this q-quite bad? He isn't even injured at all? He would win effortlessly this way." The man said terrified.

"So what?" Tia replied confidently. Seeing this, the man's confidence returned a bit, only to be smashed again.

"There was no way you guys were going to win anyways."

"H-Huh? What do you mean T-T-Tia-sama?" The man stuttered upon seeing the sudden change in demeanor of Tia.

"What did you think? That you could beat Rimuru-sama? I have to say, you are quite an idiot. The number of people who might be able to Rimuru-sama won't even reach double digits. I am surprised you thought you even had any chance."


"Anyways, I have to say thanks to you. After all, you made our job so easy by uniting everyone who had ill intentions against Rimuru-sama. Now we could sweep you all up at once."

Hearing this, the man quickly turned around to look at the city. The town, which he had expected to be razed to the ground was completely intact with no considerable damage.

"W-where is everyone?" The man asked.

"Don't worry. You are going to meet them after all."

The man turned around, but what he saw there wasn't Tia. No. It was a demon. A demon who had discarded his identity as Tia had revealed his true form. The demon then slashed his head with a sword and his soul was reaped.


I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now