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Rimuru's POV

I look around the room which previously belonged to me. A lot of things have changed. Rather, everything apart from the main structure of the room had changed. My room was big enough to have three to four large mansions fit into it, with an area larger than a few thousand square miles. So, calling it a room would be an understatement. It was further segregated into different parts.

None the less, it was my private property, so no one should be able to enter it. Even after my death, it should go directly into the hands of the king, that is my brother.

I look around and spot a lot of things that are out of place. Be it the metal rods around the corner of the room or the large mechanoid that was placed right besides the portal.

"Hmmm... Pink hair, a mechanized body, I wonder where have I heard that before." Ciel commented with a smirk.

"That's right. There's no doubt that this is what the people were worshipping. This is based on the prototype that I had created for soul to inhabit." I say as I observe the mechanoid.

"Brother. Sister-in-law. It's been a long time." Sakura said as she entered. She was wearing the uniform of the information agency, which means she was most probably still on duty.

"Sakura. How have you been?" I ask her.
"How do you think?! Look for yourself." She said as she pointed to the dark circles under her eyes as she hugged Ciel.

"Since someone decided to up and leave, I have a lot of things on my plate."

"Hahaha. Sorry about that. But I have a few things to ask."
"Forget it. I had a lot to say to you, but I'll leave that for later. I also have a lot to ask you, so you better answer truthfully."

"Sure. You go first then."
"What happened to you after you died?"

"... I am sure you heard it from Aaron. Anyways..." I told her everything in brief regarding his I became the leader of Tempest, a demon lord, defeated two True Dragons and became one myself. How I defeated Ivarage and lost my life in the process, only to be reborn again after 500 years.

"I see. I never thought you had it in you to rule a nation, let alone create one."

"As if. If it wasn't for Ciel, it wouldn't have been possible. Anyways, now it's my chance to ask. What happened after I died? How did you open this portal?"

"Hmmm... I don't know where to start. After you died, nothing really major happened. Apart from the fact that the Giant Worm started moving. It was about to head straight through the capital so we went ahead and intercepted it."

"You managed to defeat it?"
"With a lot of sacrifices, yes. After defeating it, there was a large dimensional crack. At first I thought it was just another ordinary fissure, but it remained opened for days. So I decided to go through.

And surprise! I was in another world. Now! My turn. How is sister-in-law still alive? I am sure she, um, died, sooo?~"

"To tell you the truth, you remember how I was studying souls?"
"That was because I had managed to trap her soul in a container. Well, atleast a part of it. In this world, the quantity and quality is magicules, or what you call mana is too poor, so it cannot sustain a soul in free state.

But in the Cardinal World, there was enough magicules, so after a tiresome, but well worth it effort, I was able to resurrect her."

"Is that so? I see.... Well, if everything is fine, then that's good."

"Yep. Now, my turn. What is your plan doing all this?" I say as I point towards the mechanoid resting near the wall.

"Ah! That. You see, I was thinking of making a deal with the Kingdom of that continent. But I can't to know that there was no major religion. So there was no way I could let such an important opportunity slip by.

By helping some poor people and spreading false hope, I was able to set up a new religion. It was a great cover for all the behind the scenes activities that I am doing."

"Such as?"

"Mining high quality mana stones, getting skins of rare beasts and many more."

"So that's why the Church did nothing, even after Shinsha managed to capture more than a fourth of the Empire."

"Ah! Shinsha. Just who is she?"

"She's my daughter."

Sakura looked at me on bewilderment and looked at Ciel to confirm. When Ciel nodded in acknowledgement, she cheered happily and congratulated her.

Why do I feel that she thinks of Ciel as her family more than me? Or am I just imagining things?

"Next time, bring her as well." Sakura demanded.

"I'll see. Well, I guess I can bring her if you agree to a few things."

"What things?"

"Can you leave my world alone? I know that it looks like a treasure trove to you, but to tell you the truth, it will be a problem if this thing were to escalate. And if it did, the other Gods won't let this slide. Then, it will be too late to change anything, and we will most probably have take sides in the war between Orcanyx and Finn, or straight up have another war like them."

"...... Who's Orcanyx and Finn? And what do you mean by Gods? Have you lost your mind?"

"Wait wait wait!!! You don't know about the other Gods?"

"What Gods? There are no things as Gods."

"No. Wait. Did Knox not tell you anything about this?!"

"Who's Knox?"

"You don't know about Knox?! He's the God of this world! That damn idiot! Not even showing himself after something this important happened!"

"Oi. Are you alright?"

"Dear, calm down. Why don't you explain everything to her from the beginning? I am sure she will be able to understand then." Ciel suggested.

"... Alright. Now listen..."

After that I told her about everything regarding Gods that I knew. I also told her about how she was also a God and now she missed a very important meeting.

I told her about Knox and how he had creating problems by not introducing the younger generation to the basic rules.

"Alright. Brother. Even if I believe what you say, how do I know you are not just making things up?"

"And who would I?"
"Who knows? It's too hard to believe all of this so suddenly."

"I can understand what you mean, but you'll have to get used to it. I don't of Knox will ever introduce himself to you, but if he does, that will clarify everything."

"Fine. I have already gotten most of the things that I wanted from the Empire. Here, take this." Sakura said as she handed me a ledger and the mechanoid started to move.

"That's a list of everything I have taken from that world. You can control they mechanoid however you want. Wait for a few days, I will recall all the spies and destroy the fissure. I am sure this would be enough evidence for you to overthrow the religion." Sakura said as she stood up.

"Also, create a new permanent portal so I can come to your country at any time."



I hope you guys like it.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now