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Its december 15 im in New Orleans for august last show of his tour.Dez nor leah can come because their working all this weekend.Anyways i just landed and a limo is taking me to my hotel....

I walked in my hotel room.i opened up my suitcase got all the things i needed then i freshened up.Soon as i put my pants on i heard a knock on my door.

I walked to the door and opened it.

Me:hey August how are you?
August:good and you?
Me:I'm great.
August:do you need some more time because i....
Me:no i just need to put some shoes on.

I put my shoes on then i grabbed my purse.

August:you look really nice today.
Me:thank you so do you.
August:I was going to take you downtown and to lunch.
Me:sounds fun to me.
August:do you ever go out you know partying?
Me:not lately i been taking care of my daughter and career so i don't have time to have you know "fun".
August:well maybe we can go to a club here show you how Nola get down.

I laughed .


We walked got into a escalade.

August :how was your flight?
Me:good actually i slept the whole time.
August:catching up on sleep.

I look outside of the window . everything was beautiful.

August:have you ever taste gumbo ,Jambolaya, or red beans and rice.

Me:im mean i tasted red beans and rice it was pretty good.
August:you gon fall in love with the best gumbo in town.
Me:you making me hungry.

August:later we're going with my family to eat dinner.
Me:haven't had a home cooked mean in a minute.

We got out the truck and we just walked downtown.Each street had something different one of the streets we walked pass had a man wotj three snakes.all you smelt was some really good food.people started following us.

We walled in a restaurant.

August:this is the best place in town.
Me:we came here just in time because people are starting to follow us.
August:Dria it shouldnt bother you that much.
Me:well it bothers me a lot lately.Its like everyone sees your life and you can't hide anything.
August:that's what we get for wanting for this life.
Me:i guess..
August:im curious about you?
Me:what do you want to know?
August:a lil something something what did you do before you became famous?
Me:i went to college and i did hair on the side . what about you?
August:when i was younger i dropped out of school and i started drugs life was hard at the time i lived in the back of a store.But Look at me now I'm living my dream as a R&B singer and I'm supporting my family.
Me:thats the best feeling ever.
August:yeah,have you ever lived anywhere beside LA and Detroit?
Me:yeah I lived in Houston back in 2012 then i moved to the ATL few months later then to back to Brooklyn.
August:i lived in Houston back in the early 2000's and Atlanta in 2011 and in 2013 i moved to LA.
Me:Did you perform anywhere you know before you became famous in Atlanta?
August:yeah did you?
Me:yeah i use to sing on my off days at boom center.
August:I sung there before.
Me:Do you like to party?
August:On special occasions, but now on the regular you?
Me:I dont have the time with my daughter and my career.But when i do have a chance i do go party. But now for a long time.

A short lady with long silky hair with a dark brown skin tone walked up to the table.

"Hi my name is Jackie im a big fan of both of you ,can i get a autograph."

Me:sure honey

I signed a piece of blank paper.

August:what do you want to do while you here?
Me:something fun , not really picky.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now