The awards

315 4 0

August 25, 2013

now I'm preparing to perform at the VMA's awards.

The put videos of me and my mom before I went on stage I said "on this day my mother went to heaven .her spirit will live on . Also im I'm her beautiful angel "Adrianne" .

I walked on the stage I went to my position .i started dancing to the beginning to are you that somebody then it cut off before timberland part .then I dance to more than a woman .then I sung the last of the song then it slowly went into one in a million .then i sung if your girl knew then at the end .

I took off my glasses.

I walked back

I got dressed back in my clothes.then I sat back down well next to Drake .

I whispered "I'm going to kill you Leah".

Leah:your welcome .its not my like him

They went on commercial .

I got up .i met tons of celebrities.then I sat down when then the VMA's were back on.

Leah:what drink do you want?
Me:white wine .

I drinked the whole glass so fast.

Me:I'm chilled

Drake performed .

Me:Leah I'm still mad.half of my body is nervous then half of it wants to kill you.
Leah:I love you too

It went on commercial again then I was on Instagram taking selfies.more of being silly .

"I know I wasn't suppose to be silly but this is the only way beside singing to get this nervous energy out of me.I'm chilled"

Me:hello how are you ?
Drake:good are your Aaliyah daughter?
Me:yes I am .
Drake:can I take a picture with you ?

We took a picture .

Me:chubbs can you come in the picture.

We took the picture

Drake:you know chubbs?
Me:not personally .i know him from obtobers very own .
Drake:so you know about OvO ?
Me:kind of I just see it a lot of people wearing it .i do have a shirt with the Owl .
Drake:wait aren't you that Victoria secret model?
Drake:are you going to the after party?
Drake:I'll see you there .

We sat down .

Everybody performed we walked to the after party.

We dance then I met other people. I talk to Drake .

Drake:are you nervous ?
Me:ok first it's you, your Drake .

He laughed

Leah:we have to go my sister is going into labor.
Me:ok nice meeting you .

We walked outside.

Leah: you were so nervous so I rescued you.
Me:thank you.

We catched a taxi to our house.

I walked in the I ran to my room changed my clothes .the. I went to sleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now