Meeting my other half

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January 6, 2015

I got ready for tonight .we went to the strip club.and threw 155k up in the air.then we partied.then I went to the hotel and went to sleep.

days later..

I'm in Lake Chapala, Jalisco Mexico .to meet my (half)sisters from my dad side for the first time.finally since I didn't have time.

I drove to address .i walked in and I seen Angelina.

Angelina Marie Rodriguez
Work at a local restaurant
I socializing .i'm a sweet person.
Language:Spanish and English.
favorite color:pink

Grace Hernandez Rodriguez
Single like always
I'm a bad girl.
Spanish & English

Me:how are you?
Angel:good I'm so happy to meet you.
Me:me too I made a lot of time to see you and the family.
Angel:let me take you to the family.

We walked in the living room.

Angel:this is abulita Maria.
Angel:Dijo hola(she said hello)
Angel:this is grace.
Me:hello grace.

We got to know each other.then the door rung.

Angelina opened it.

Angel:and papa.

Me:hello dad.
Dad:hello how are you?
Dad:can I talk to you?

We walked on the porch.

Dad:I'm sorry.
Me:it cool.
Dad:listen i know your still mad at me.I never gave you the reason why I walked out.i didn't Want to be in the media.and I just gave up being in the U.S so I came here.
Me:so when I'm 23 you want to come in my had a lot of time to see me even when I wasn't famous.
Dad:I'm sorry I failed to be a father.
Me:I learn how to forgive dad.

I walked into the house.

angel:are you ok?
Angel:well me an grace are going to a party would you like to go with us?
Me:yes but do you dress like us Americans dress?
Grace:as long as you with me you good.

I i got ready then i put my dress on.

We walked to the center of the village where a lot of music was playing.

Grace walk to the door of the club where security was standing .

Grace:she's with me.

We walked in.

Grace:don't get a drink here.

I danced then some one bump into me.

??:hello beautiful .
??:Mario pedro is the name.whats your name?
Mario:you want a drink?
Me:no thank you.
Mario:your a American .
Me:I'm what ever you want to think.
Mario:are you single?
Grace:she's taken.
Mario:grace nice to see you.
Grace:what's up.
Mario:we were just talking.
Grace:yeah what ever.

She pulled me all the way over to the other side of the club which isn't that big.

Angel:what's wrong?
Angel:Adrianne stay away from him.

We danced

Then we walked home.i wash up.then I laid down.

Me:why did you pull me away from Mario?
Grace:he's a drug dealer.
angel:he a moved here so he could stay out of trouble but everyone knows he still trade drugs.
Grace:just stay are a high profile person and if you go with you could get killed easily.
Me:ok good night.
Angel:good night.
Grace:good night.

Next day...

I woke up to a cars going pass the window.

I got ready.

Angel:hey could me and Grace show you around the village?
Me:yeah sure
Grace:I didn't say that but what ever.

We walked out and went to the center.then walked to restaurants then to the beach.we put our feet in the water.

Me:have you ever been to the U.S.
Angelina:no our mom told us to learn English since she didn't know I never got the chance to go.
Grace:what about your mom?
Me:well my mom was famous she died at 22 in a plane crash in the Bahamas.i was 6 at that time.
Angel:I'm sorry.
Me:it's ok.
Angel:I never thought I had another sister.
Me:I didn't either until dad told me.but in march is when I'm not busy doing photo shoots,songs,meetings can you come to the U.S.
Grace:ok I'll go.
angel:I would love to go America.

We walked around the beach and took pictures.then we back to abulita house.

Abulita:(hi Adrianne are you hungry?)
Me:I packed up.

we went to meet some of our cousins.i went back to abulita house to say good bye to my dad and my grandmother.

Then I catch a cab to the air port.i flew back to Los Angeles.soon as I landed.i went home.and went to sleep

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now