Little chapter

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Hours later...

I just got in LA .i have so much to do.i walked in the house.

Abulita:Adrianne your here.
Me:hi abulita. where is everyone.
Abulita:angel is at her modeling is dad is working at apple store what is that.
Me:a electronic place that makes iPhone,iPods,iPad.
Abulita:oh that place.
Me:what are you watching?
Abulita:Spanish opera.
Abulita:how was you visit.
Me:great i catch up with a friend.
Abulita:a guy sound like I'm going to be meeting him soon.
Me:yes how did you know.
abulita:I'm your grandmother .I remember when I met your grandpa we met by accident but it was a beautiful one.he made your dad and aunt.he loved me until he died.we were made for each other.
Me:that's how I feel.
Abulita:how long have you knew him.
Me:since we were in 9th grade.
Abulita:you two were meant to be together.
Me:I think so too.

I unpacked then I checked my emails.

I got a role for a movie about a woman that has cancer.and have two weeks to live she lives life to the fullest.i accepted it.
•loss 47 pounds by 3 weeks.

I called my trainer Alissa.

Me:hey this is Adrianne.
Alisa:hello what's up?
Me:I got a main role in a movie and I need to lose 47 pounds by three weeks.
Alissa:ok well I'm going to plan your diet and exercising plan .meet me at the gym next week I'll call you.
Alissa:ok see you tomorrow.

I heard the door open.i walked and there was Grace.

Grace:you were on the gossip news.
Me:for what?
Grace:you were on a date with basketball player Eric Greene.
Me:just a friend.
Grace:whatever who goes somewhere with no security to visit a "friend".
Me:ok we go together you have.don't tell anyone.
Grace:I wont ,i promise.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now