My god daughters

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March 15, 2017

We are finally moved into house.i have 2 movies I'm in.and my 2 god kids are coming to visit me in a couple of hours.

I went to the kids bedroom which is a room with bunk bed with TVs.i made sure there was towels, soap,pillows and covers.Then I went to check on Princess.she was still sleep.then Leah came through the door.

Leah:hey boo.
Me:hey crazy.
Leah:is Drake here?
Me:yeah he's princess room writing a song.
Me:he told me ,Princess helps him write better songs.
Leah:isn't that cute.
Me:yeah I'm going to tell we're going to the store.

I walked to princess room.i seen Aubrey writing the song on his blackberry.

Me:hey Aubrey.
Aubrey:hey beautiful.
Me:me and Leah are going to the store to get some food for the kids.Do you want anything?
Aubrey:no tell Leah hey.

I walked over to Princess and kissed her.then I walked towards the garage.

Leah:I thought we were driving in my truck?
Me:no I'm going to drive my Challenger.
Leah:the one Terrance bought you?
Me:yep.i need to drive it once in a while.
Leah:I'm guessing this is the Dow Low Car.
Me:yes it is actually.

I got in the car.then I drove really fast..then I drove to the grocery store.i picked up the ingredients for Nachos then I pick up some snack.
I checkout the food.the as soon as I walk out I started seeing cameras everywhere.i ran to my car then I hurried and put the groceries in the trunk.then I drove to the house.i put all the groceries up.then I i relaxed.i heard Princess voice.i quickly walk to her room.

She was just looking at the ceiling.then I picked her up.and fed her.then she just looked at me and started smiling.i started playing with little hands.

Me:today your going to see your two god sisters.

Then she Looked at Aubrey.i pointed to Aubrey.

Me:thats dada.he's sleep.
Aubrey:no I'm just resting my eyes I'm trying to stay woke to wait till the girls get here.

The door bell and I walk to the door.i looked in the door hole I seen Sia.i opened the door.and Sophia ran towards me.

Me:hey baby.
Sophia:hi god mommy.
me:hey Sia.
Sia:hey speaking of baby she is so cute.wheres you bathroom?
Me:down the hall to the left.

I sat down in the living room.Sophia followed me.i gave her hug.then I helped her take her jacket off.

Me:how are you Phia?
Sophia:good.who is that?
Me:this your god sister Princess.

She looked at Princess and picked up her hand up.and gently rubbed.

Sophia:Hi Princess Im Sophia.

Princess smiled then she closed her eyes.
Aubrey walked in the living room.

Aubrey:hey Sophia.

She ran towards him he picked her up.

Sia:hey Aubrey.
Aubrey:hey how are you?
Sia:I'm good.

Me:Sophia are you hungry?

She got out of Aubrey arms.

Sia:can I pick up Princess.

I walked to the kitchen.She sat down I on the chair.

Me:do you want snacks or real food.

She pointed out what she want then she ate her snacks.

The doorbell rung I walked to it.

I opened was my oldest god daughter .shes six her mom Jordan is my friend.Jade dad left her before she was born so i help take care of her.she lost contact with me over the years.but found her while shopping out in LA.I use to have Jade all the time when she was younger.But for Jordan she seems to run away from situations .

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now