October 23

17 1 0

7 hours later ...
Monday October 23 2017

I'm in LA I just came off the plane Leah is picking me up she got in yesterday.

Leah:what are you doing here?
Me:Aubrey told me to go to LA.and have some me time.
Leah:what are you going to do since baby isn't with you?
Me:im going to catch up on sleep.
Leah:well I have to be in the studio today to record some music.
Me:when are you going to sing?
Leah:I don't know.
Me:Dez can rap me and you can sing.
Leah:I'm better at producing.
Me:just make one song.you got the writing skills,singing and producing.just do it.

She dropped me off at my house.i pulled the totes into my room.Then I put some music on.and I put my clothes in the tote up.then I got in the tub.then my phone rung.

Me:hey how are you?
Trey:did you get in LA yet?
Me:yes I'm taking a bubble bath.
Trey:dinner tomorrow my place at eight.

I got out the tub by that time it was 12.i texted Aubrey happy birthday.then I went to sleep.

October 24, 2017

Today I'm going to an Elle photo shoot.i got ready then I drove to the photo shoot.i said hello to everyone then they did my makeup.i took some pictures.then I went to the gym and I worked out for two hours.then I went home and I washed up I FaceTime Princess.i texted trey

Trey:are you still coming?
Me:yes casual or formal?
Trey:casual something simple.
Me:I'll be there in a hour.

I put something simple on.then I drove to his house which is at least thirty minutes away.i knocked on the door.he opened it.

Me:hey how are you?

We hugged then he led me to the living room.i sat down on the couch.

Trey:diner should be done in ten minutes.how was your day?
Me:good i did an elle photoshoot then I went to the gym and I worked out.how was your day?
Trey:I relaxed and prepared diner all day.
Me:what did you prepare?
Trey:steak ,mashed potatoes ,green beans.and for dessert cheesecake.
Me:I'm excited.
Trey:we let's go to the kitchen.

We walked to the kitchen.he made me my plate.we sat down and ate then we talked..

Trey:how's the food?
Me:it's soo good the steak is so tender.green beans are full of flavor.
Trey:how is your daughter?
Me:good i face timed her earlier.

We ate dessert.then we ate dessert.then i walked to the window to enjoy the view.

Trey:what's wrong?

He put his hand on my chin.

Trey:you can't tell me nothing.your face looks slimmer.you look like you been crying.and your not that talkative.you usually act live and excited.something is tearing you down.
Me:dang you pay a lot of attention to me.
Trey:what's wrong because I don't want you to stress ,your too beautiful.
Me:when I went to Toronto I had to stay there because i couldn't travel with Princess.so I stayed in the guest room of his house.it was awkward being there because we're not together.i really didn't want to be there but hotels don't have cribs.then a woman knocked on his door at eleven o'clock at night.she was just "friends" with Drake.i know he's messing with her.i asked him if he's messing with her.he said no.He told me that i need some me time because im not myself so i flew to LA.he basically showed me that our marriage is over.He didn't have to put me through all this.sometimes I wish I could start over.
Trey:I wish I could too.its look like you haven't had a good time in a while.
Me:I think this is a bad idea.
Trey:sometimes bad is a good time.

He walked behind me.then he wrapped his arms around my hips.

Trey:can I changed your mind.

He kissed my neck.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now