Back in Brooklyn

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September 16,2013
Next day

I got up .i did my routine then I called Leah .

Me:hey are you staying in L.A.
Leah:I'm at the airport .
Me:why didn't you tell me.and I'm about to go to the airport .can you get the car?
Leah:ok .when ?
Me:now I packed my bag.

I drove to the airport.we traded then I walked on my jet.

I landed in LA.

I drove my house in LA.

I unpacked.then I relaxed and watched the movies .

I got up at 11:00 am .i drove to our set for the video.i got my makeup.

Me:hey everybody
Director:first set is on the bed.

I did the set one it was a sexy part of the video because I was in bed with Trey but we didn't really do it.

Then set 2 were just singing.

Set three we were at a party .tgen we straight across from each other and we kissed.


I got my stuff.then I walked to the car.

Trey:hey Adrianne .
Trey:are you doing something tonight?
Me:no what's going on?
Trey:wanna come to this party ?
Me:yeah I'll go.
Trey:casual not too casual.
Me:ok thank you.

I drove to get something to eat then the mall.i got some clothes.i got my nails done.

I got ready for tonight .then I went to the party.

I walked in a mansion that was big like giant.i seen trey but I seen a lot of people.

I danced then I went to get something to drink.

I sat down .somebody came up.

Ciara:hey I'm Ciara this is my party if you need anything just come and find me.
Me:ok thank you your party is nice.
Ciara:thanks what is your name again.

I danced then I seen my girls Sasha & Erin.

We took some pictures.

Me:feel like its prom all over again.
Sasha:Im loving this moment.

Man:excuse me.
Sasha:oh my gosh.
Erin:oh my gosh
Me:it's famous people here oh wow.

I turned around

Trey:hey Adrianne
Trey:so you decided to come.
Me:yes it's fun.
Trey:let me take you somewhere ?

We walked somewhere quiet.

Me:what's up?
Trey:can I tell you something I know you heard this before but I have strong feelings for you.

My eyes lit up

Me:wow why?
Trey:your beautiful,you are so humble,and loving person.
Me:I know but Im not looking for a relationship.I'm starting my career I kind of don't need distractions.I'm not trying to let you down.
Trey:it's cool we can be just friends.
Me:my song.

Trey:can we dance.


We danced

We departed then I talked to my girls.

Me:well I'll see y'all later.
Sasha:bye girl
Erin:ok see you later.

I walk to my car.then I drove home.i washed up then I fell to sleep .

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now