Sept 13 2013

57 2 0

Week later September 13,2013

Next morning

I'm going with trey to breakfast.

Me:hey hey
Trey:so I going to the bet hip hop awards can you come with me as my date.
Trey:did you hear about our song ?
Trey:our song hit number one on the chart.
Me:yay now we should make the video.
Trey:yes what should it be about?
Me:a man and a women fell in love at first sight then how something happen .and they fell back in love .
Trey:how about the first time met they start progressing their relationship then he made love to her.and her friend and his friends are breaking them apart then at the end their back together.

Me:I like the idea.

We ordered our food then we ate.

Trey:thanks how is music going for you?
Me:great I been mostly in the studio.I, worked with several artist before .you

Trey:good ,I finish doing baggage it was fun doing it.i am going back home today.
Me:awh .when are you available for the video ?
Trey:in two weeks.
Me:ok see you later .
Trey:bye Adrianne .

I drove home.

Then Drake called me.

Me:hey what's up?
Drake:nothing Can I see you?
Me:like ?
Drake:just see you.
Me:sure you want to come to me or.
Drake:can you come to Toronto ?
Me:i just seen you last week hold on

I checked a calendar.

Me:yes I can come for two day because I have a meeting.
Drake:ok well I'll book your flight.
Me:ok I'll come tomorrow.
Drake:so how is it in New York ?
Me:good .I'm relaxing .how about you?
Drake:waiting on September 24 .
Me:Nothing was the same.
Drake:when Is your birthday
Me:October 20th .
Drake:4 days before mines.
Me:yes it is.
Drake:let's FaceTime ?
Me:wait 20 more minutes I'm just getting in the house.
Drake:ok I'll FaceTime then .

I took my jacket off then I refresh myself then I FaceTime.

Me:first time using FaceTime.

Me:are you ok .
Drake:yeah i been in the studio all day.
Me:relax go to sleep I'll talk to you tomorrow .
Drake:no it's not like that.
Me:oh really when your in the studio most of the time your stand and siting then you probably didn't eat.
Me:yes eat that gives you energy .
Me:so what's up in Toronto ?
Drake:nothing .
Me:I always wanted to go to Toronto .
Drake:never been .
Drake:well I'll show you around in the morning .
Drake:alright bye.

I excise,then I went into the VIP room.(pole room)

I swung around

Me:hey I'm going to Toronto,Canada .tomorrow .
Leah:ok well I'm going to my boyfriend house.

I played Pratice .Then I went to the movie room and watched a movie.

Then I packed up.

I went to sleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now