November 25

24 1 0

November 25 , 2014

Im in Toronto right now .

i went to ms.Graham house. I walked in the house.


I heard music .i walked to the studio.

Aubrey:hey baby.
Me:how are you ?
Aubrey:good I'm listening to this beat.
Me:want some help?

Aubrey:No because i want to talk to you how's my woman doing haven't see you in 3 weeks.
Me:good .i had all theses interviews coming,then fashion lines.
Aubrey:that's a lot.

Me:I have a flight to LosAngeles in two days to be on Chelsea .
Aubrey:ok well I'll be here.
Me:when I come back we should go to Louisiana for vacation.
Aubrey:ok but when are we eating for diner.
Me:well were eating at your mom house.i went over there earlier.
Aubrey:so you talk to my mom?
me:that and sometimes I come and visit her we go shopping ,sew, etc.
Aubrey:so where am I at these times?
Me:tour or in the U.S. your mom is such a sweetheart.
Aubrey:yeah she is.
Me:we're eating your favorite meal.

We got ready.

Then he drove to her house.

Me:hello Sandi .
Sandi:hello Adrianne hey Aubrey
Aubrey:hey mom.
Sandi:how are you?
Aubrey:great mom and you?
Sandi:Im good

We ate then we sat down and talked then we left.

November 27, 2014

Chelsea:hello Adrianne .
Me:hey Chelsea I have a gift for you.

I handed her a bag with some heels,album,wine.

Chelsea:hello Adrianne .
Me:hello Chelsea
Chelsea:so you made this song on the album called "love" your were getting a freaky .
Me:um let's see scorpios are freaks and yeah .i have story for that.
Chelsea:we have time.
Me:I was in the middle of doing something and in the middle of that I was thinking about a song that when your in bed you can think of.
Chelsea:so you came up with a sex song.
Me:yes a lady told me it made her wet when she first listen to it.i was very uncomfortable.
Chelsea:the song own it by Drake has a video and you were in it.where did you get all the movements from?
Me:well I showed aub- Drake .
Chelsea:it's so weird calling him Drake ?
Me:yes very but I just danced to the music .i had to keep it classy too.
Chelsea:was that you on the pole?
Me:yes that was its just for fun.
Chelsea:you climb pretty high up the pole for fun.
Chelsea:bet drake get lap dances all the time .
Me:no not at all.were no basic couple.
Chelsea:so when you first came out about you being Aaliyah daughter everyone thought you were Aaliyah ?
Me:yeah clearly you didn't listen to the intro before I start singing.but I seen a couple faces shocked.
Chelsea:so in the video with big Sean you was dancing on the car while it was moving.
Me:yeah I decided to do something different ,it was fun actually .
Chelsea:everyone is talking about your it fake because it gets bigger every time a picture of you hits the media ?
Me:no all been with me all my life.i don't like when people like me for the back part of my body I want to be known for my music.but I eat greens and corn bread a lot helps.
Chelsea:that's how Victoria secret get their money.
Me:I guess so.
Chelsea:thanks for coming .go get confessions in store tomorrow.

I walked to the car and drove home.

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