Next morning

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Next day

I woke up.i got ready then I smelt bacon.i walked in the living room.

Me:good morning everybody.
Angel:goodmorning Adrianne
Sandi:goodmorning Adrianne

I walked to the kitchen
(Abulita only know Spanish and tiny English.)

Me:hello abulita what are you cooking
Abulita:hello ,egg omelette how are you?
Me:good what are you doing today?
Abulita:going over to Maria's house for a couple of days.

(Maria is her baby sister she moved to California about 15 years ago.)

Abulita:go in the living with everybody while I put the plates out.
Me:I'll help you?

I walked back into the living room and sat down next to Drake.

Drake:what is abulita cooking?
Me:egg omelette.

Angel came in and sat next to me making me be in the middle.

Angel:we're both having girls.
Me:can't believe it.
Angel:is grandma cooking egg omelette ?
Me:you know it.wheres grace?
Angel:she left at like seven she has to be somewhere.

abulita:Todos los alimentos está listo
Me:food is ready.

We prayed then we ate.

Chubbs:this food is so good.

Every said their comments.then my phone rung...I looked at it it said Grace.

Me:excuse me from the table.

I walked outside.

Grace:hey can you pick me up the car tires some how got flat.
Me:ok where are you?
Grace:I'm in downtown Calabasas.
Me:ok I'm on my way.

I walked back in the house.

Me:Grace has a flat tire.
Angel:I'll go and get her.where is she?
Me:downtown Calabasas.and are you sure.
Angel:yes Im sure.and I have to go and get something.
Chubbs:I'll go with her.

I text Grace "angel is coming to pick you up."

I sat back down.and ate.

Angel Pov

I put my shoes and jacket on.then i walked into the garage I waited on Jacob & Chubbs.they got in the car and i drove to downtown Calabasas.

I went with Jacob to a store to get me something.

Grace pov.

I sat in the car.

Chubbs:you must be Grace.
Me:yes I am.
Chubbs:I'm of Drake friends.
Me:well I'm Angels sister.
Chubbs:your beautiful.

Angel & Jacob got in the car.she started drive.

(Talking in Spanish)

Angel:somebody like somebody?
Me:no I don't.
Angel:I know get all soft and nice if you like a person that much awh.
Me:maybe a little bit.


Jacob:what are you guys talking about?
Angel:cracking some jokes.
Jacob:speak English.

Angel:I think I can imagining it in the future?
Me:your kidding right.
Angel:you will make some..
Me:don't finish what you were going to say.

Angel:you know he like you too.
Me:he's good looking and is so deep.
Angel:enough of him.when are you going to do when your finish in school.


Me:still in College until june.
Angel:ok well get that done and model.
me:I am.

I seen chubbs & Jacob talk to each other.

Me:we're here.

I walked in I went inside my room.i freshen up.

Adrianne pov

I was sitting down.waiting on Jacob ,Chubbs, grace and angel.we waited on them then everybody sat at the table.

Drake:well I'm going to take all the ladies mom,Adrianne, angel,Grace out.then the men are going somewhere.

Everybody got in the cars.i let Ms.Graham get in the front.i talked then I just relaxed.

We arrived at the and Ms.Graham got our hands & toes done.then we went shopping.

Drake:have you notice chubbs & Grace.have been spending a lot of time together.
Me:I know I think they like each other.

We walked to the movies.we went in and sat at the top.we watched the movie.then we walked outside I seen paparazzi's.we ran over to a restaurant.we sat down & ordered.

Me:I don't suppose to eat this.
Me:all throught my pregnacy I ate organic food.then one day out of each month I have a fast food meal.
Sandi:take a break from it.honey.
grace:you don't even eat that much.
Me:when I crave for twenty nine days I do.
Drake:it's not like your going to eat a whole pizza.

I walked into the bathroom.there was a line.

Me:hey so are and chubbs going out.
Me:you know in the movies I seen him almost put his arm around but I cough & things.
Grace:I know .but me and him are only friends.

A girl bumped into me.

Girl:I'm sor....

I looked at her.

Girl:omg your Adrianne.
Me:yes I am.
Girl:I'm a big fan my name is india I have a fan page on Instagram about you.
me:what is it called?

I went on Instagram.i like her picture.

India:what's your favorite color?
India:favorite food?
Me:pizza and french fries.
India:nice to meet you.
Me:did you want to take a picture.

We took a picture.

I finally used the restroom.then people recognize who I was.i hurried out of the restroom.

Drake:did you have a photoshoot or something?
Me:something like that.

They brung. Us our food.i ate the whole pizza.

Drake:wow you really ate all of that?
Me:thought I was playing.i crave pizza and French fries a lot.
chubbs:never seen a pregnant woman eat like that.
Grace:oh my.
Me:hey I eat for two.
Grace:I thought you were eating for three.
Me:just two.

We paid the bill then we walked to the car.

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