My fault

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2 Weeks later.....

I'm in Florida with Eric for a game.i just got to his house.

Eric:hey babe.
Me:hey how are you?
Me:I'm excited for the game.
Eric:me too.
Me:what do you have to eat I'm starving.

I went to look in the refrigerator and I started cooking a hamburger.

Eric sat down at the breakfast bar and drink something purple.and sniffing something that was white.

me:is that ?
Eric:purple drink.yes it is.
Me:is that lean.
Eric:it's a purple drink.
Me:so your telling me it's lean.
Eric:yeah it is and.
Me:cocaine.i think we should forget the relationship between us.
Eric:what did you say?
Me:IT'S OVER.IM THROUGH I'm not going to be with man that's doing drugs that could kill himself sorry.
Eric:your staying with me.

I grabbed my purse and suite case.and started walking towards the door.when Eric grabbed my waist.

Eric:I love you.
Me:well i loved the Eric I knew 8 years ago.
Eric:your going to leave bitch.
Me:what did you just say?

He punched me.i punched him back then i kicked him .he threw a vase at me i duck down.i ran to the elevator then I reached the lobby.i went to restroom.i called 911.

I went to the police department.i was followed by a huge group of paparazzi' security blocked me from them.

June 2 2015 2:00am
I told them the story.then I took a flight to New York.all i was thinking is what was in him.i arrived at my house.i jumped in my bed.i went to sleep.

I woke up to the sun beaming in my room.27 notifications on my phone.i checked one Aubrey "hey are you ok?" At 6:00am.Then some were from Leah,angel,grace,and dad.i replayed to them.

I got up clean myself up then I looked at myself I had a purple bruise on my left side where Eric punched me at.i went over to Leah side of the house .and I got some of her makeup.i put some foundation on to cover up the purple bruise.

I turned on the tv.and I seen the story had spread around the U.S. or the world.

Reporter:we have news NBA player Eric Greene hit his girlfriend ,singer hour before an heat game.witnesses say he had been doing lean an cocaine and that could of ticked him off.the public is suppose to see Adrianne in two days for an interview about her album .

Me:oh my gosh why.did he have to put me in this situation.

I called and canceled everything this week then I called Leah .

Leah:hey why didn't you call me last night.
Me:soon as I came to NewYork I went straight to sleep.
Leah:are you ok?
Me:yes I took some of your makeup to cover up the bruise.
Leah:what happen.
Me:I came to visit Eric before the game.i went to the get something in the refrigerator.and see him sniffing cocaine and drink something that was purple.i asked him what was it.he told me.i told him we need to breakup.he called me a bitch and then he punched me in the face I punched back then I kicked him and walked to the lobby.and called the police

Leah:Did you know about this?
Me:no not at all .
Leah:well don't talk to the media about it ignore them.
Me:I am and I'm not leaving the house.because I see some outside behind the bushes.

I walked over the control panel and closed the house up.

Leah:do you need something?
Me:yes I need to get some more food and some household items.I'm going to be here for a couple of weeks until this bruise heals.
Leah:well I'll be there in an hour.

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