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Hours later....

I came back from dinner with everyone then I finish packing up.then we flew back to LA.

I got off the plane more excited than ever because I want to see my princess.soon as walked in the airport I seen paparazzi's.Aubrey held my hand and guided me.we got in the car.and drove to Abulita house.i opened the door.Abulita was outside in the pool with Princess.

Me:hello abulita.
Me:Abulita your in a bikini.
Abulita:yes and.
Me:you look good for you age.

I took a picture.

Abulita:you get your body from me.
Me:I never
Abulita:did you come to pick up Princess?
Me:yes I miss her.
Abulita:her bag is in the living room.everything is in there.

I picked Princess up.i took her to the bathroom I wash her up the put some clothes on her.then we left.then we settled down in the house.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now