February 20

13 1 0

Adrianne Pov

February 20,2015

I'm driving to my maternity fashion line "bundle of Joi " and 1,2,3 babies . i walked into JC Penny in LosAngeles.

I took pictures at the door with fans.they took pictures with me

Then I have a little interview .

Diona:so what made you want to make a maternity line?
Me:well I was thinking you never really see any cute clothes like classy diva looking clothes.so I wanted to be the first .
Diona:what made you want to make a maternity fashion line?
Me:well I want to see pregnant women look beautiful .because so maternity wear is not up to date with fashion so that's what I did.
Diona:do you have something to say?
Me:you know it, thanks to all my fan for helping me make this fashion line I couldn't of did it without you .i love you guys.

I drove to the Ellen show.

Me:hey Ellen
Ellen:so how have you been ?
Me:good i can't complain I'm in a happy position in life with my career.
Ellen:so you have an album,perfume,maternity line,baby fashion line ,and another fashion line.
Me:yes I been very busy .like crazy.
Ellen:well let's get into the fashion lines.
Me:well I creating clothes for maternity because no one has stylish clothing for expecting mommies and just because your pregnant doesnt mean you can't dress beautiful .and that's when it goes into the babies .i wanted to create the "bundle of Joi" they are not common clothes that you see on other babies.they're really unique and cute.then I have. Fashion line so all of my fans can wear what I wear .and it's all based on quality of the clothes .i made sure their top notch.
Ellen:by the way perfume its great.
Me:thanks something just came over me and told me to make perfume.
Ellen:so tell us about the album?
Me:well my second album and its just about how I enter the world of music.and about my little love life.how I feel about the music industry.
Ellen:and I want to talk about how you are title the youngest billionaire.
Me:well I graduated at 17 I went straight to school got my business degree .i opened businesses and my co owners were famous.i got a lot of money off of it and I opened up my own business with the money.and I'm making money off of singing,acting,modeling .
Ellen:is there anything going on?
Me:yes Im parting up with apple to make a special a
Edition of something I can't tell you the rest .
Ellen:thank you for coming today .
Me:your welcome.
Ellen:go get your own bottle of angel.

I packed up my bags.and flew early to New York .

Hours later......

I just got off the jet.my security picked me up.

I went home .i went on Instagram took a few pictures ."new year new me ".and went to bed.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now