Finding love

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next morning

I woke up at 6:30am
I got ready then I ate me something then I went to my photo shoots.


I called Angelina

Angel:hey were ready.
Me:ok Is abulita alright ?
Angel:a little sad about leaving her childhood house.
Me:did you quit your job .
Angel:yeah my manager was mad.hopefully I get me a job there.
Me:is grace and dad alright?
Angel:yeah their ready to go.

Me:are they here?
Angel:yes I'll call you when we get to the airport .

Hours later...

I dress in disgust.then I drove My Cadillac to the airport.

Grace:hey Adrianne
Dad:hey baby
Me:hello everyone how are you guys doing?
Grace:I'm tired.
Me:well can I get you some phones?
Me:you can't just be in LosAngeles without a phone.

I drove to the sprint place.and grace choose an iPhone 5s angel choose and iPhone 5 .dad & abulita choose an galaxy 4.then we drove home.i showed them around the house.and where everything is at.i helped everyone unpack.then we had family time.

Me:i love family time.
Dad:I do too especially seeing my girls get along with each other.
Abulita:I'll stay home.
Dad:I'll find something to you.
Me:could I help you girlies to get modeling gigs acting.i know people .
Angel:I would love too.
Grace:yeah sure.
Me:what do you guys want to eat?fried chicken,fries,rice.
Abulita:I'll cook.
Me:ok let me show you around the kitchen.

I showed her where everything was.

Me:come here I want you to show something.

I went to the red room.

Me:this is the red room no one knows about this room really.

Angel:this room is nice.
Grace:I like this room.

Me:ok well I'll be helping abulita cook.
Grace:she doesn't like when people help her in the kitchen unless she's teaching you how to cook.
Me:good looking.

I went to my room.and looked through my high school pictures. i went on Instagram.and posted "I miss you 😘Eric"

(Eric is my first high school love ever we meet in 9th grade and in 10th grade he moved out of the state.)

I called Leah.

Leah:hey what are you doing?
Me:nothing On Instagram.
Leah:I'm so busy.
Me:me too Angelina,grace,dad,and abulita just moved in.
Leah:something wrong?
Me:no I love it actually.I'm not feeling lonely.
Leah:I miss you living in New York with me.
Me:I do too but your producing a lot of songs for singers traveling. A lot plus your getting married .and on the other side I'm traveling all the time and acting, singing, rapping.leah I'm barely have time to spend time with my don't even make sense .for the 4 months I'll be taking a break for me.
Leah:how's the fashion line?
Me:good actually better than I expected.oh I meant to tell you I open a organization in Detroit where girls are taught things like manners,personal hygiene,and tutoring then every summer we go on a vacation outside the United States.
Leah:that's nice.
me:I'm so tired of media about Drake and I separated.
Leah:you never told me what happen.
Me:last month I has so many photoshoots elle,vogue,cover girl,Victoria secrets,and ten more.i didn't have time to squeeze things in my calendar .because I'm constantly flying New York ,Miami,Los Angeles,Paris.I was tired.he wanted to Break up with me because we have different time.i told him you can't just be with me when we see each there for we broke up.i notice we broke up.when I was coming back home.but I'm interested in one person only.

Me:my first high school love Eric.
Leah:I don't have his number.
Me:it's ok.i remember when we first met I went to the wrong class.then we talked the whole look at you a known music producer that's getting married and soon you'll be having kids.
Me:it's just not your time yet.
Leah:yeah I guess ,can i call you back tomorrow .
Me:yeah I love you sis .
Leah:love you too.

I took a bath.then I went to eat in the dinner room.

Abulita:how's everyone day?
Me:I'm so happy you all moved with me.
Angel:I'm happy to be here.
Grace:it's really nice here.
Dad:I get to see my daughter more often.
Me:when I'm here in Los Angeles I go to New York too.oh and do everyone know how to drive?
Grace:I do.
Dad:I know how abulita don't know how.
Angel:I drove before.
Me:well we have to go to the immigration place tomorrow.

I went back on Instagram I have 4.3 million followers .and I took some more pictures.then I went to sleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now