Sept 17

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September 17,2013

I woke up at 9 I washed up then I went to see the video completed i liked it.then I drove to sunset blvd. to talk to Brandy about a song.but the paparazzi's are on me.

I walked in.

Brandy:hey girl.
Me:how are you?
Brandy:good actually you?
Me:good I'm so happy excited .
Brandy:so here a part of the song.

I read it .

I love it.when is it a good day to record for you?
Brandy:um how about Sunday I know you have to get back.
Me:no I did everything in NYC .i can do it on Sunday.
Brandy:ok meet me at my house.i have a studio.

We ordered our food.

Brandy:tell me about it dealing with it my whole life.
Me:especially Media takeout .
Brandy:so when is your album coming out.
Me:I'm not sure i been working on it for a year probably October 30.
Me:my birthday it the twenty forth of October your invited to come to my party it's in Vegas.invitations are coming out in a few weeks.
Brandy:I'll be there.

We ate then we left.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now