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I been taking care of business with my family I. Bought them a cars clothes etc.

two days later I'm at home because its my chill I'm just lounging around in my pjs .
My phone started ringing.

Me:hello may I ask who speaking?
??:this is me Eric Greene .
Me:hey how are?
Eric:good and you.
Me:so how's your mom and dad?
Me:where are you living at now?
Eric:well with my job I move everywhere but I'm in Miami.
Me:I have to see you.
Eric:yeah after I moved I loss contact with you.are you busy two week on a Thursday ?
me:no I'm not actually.this week I'm going to be traveling.
Eric:you want to fly here or you want me to fly there?
Me:I'll fly to Miami.
Eric:I was just thinking about you.
Me:I been trying to find you I posted a picture of you and me in high school.
Eric:are you single ?
Me:yes and you?
Me:you have kids?
Eric:no not at all.
Me:what do you do now?
Eric:I'm in NBA .look at my girl Adrianne over here singing,acting over here.
Eric:I'm glad that your coming to Miami to see me.
Me:I am too.
Eric:they have things next week downtown.peach drop or movies.
Me:ok I'll be interested in that.
Eric:ok well I'll call you later...
Me:ok bye.

I hung up then I scream (in excitement)

I washed up then I put my clothes on and did my hair.then I went to the mall and went into forever 21 love culture then to Macy's so I could get normal looking clothes.(instead of Chanel Gucci to wear when I'm in Miami)

Then I met some of my fans.(security is with me all the time)

I went home and put my outfits together.then I went to angel room.

Me:hey what are you doing?
Angel:trying to find more modeling gigs.whats up?
Me:im going to Detroit tomorrow with Miley & Iggy to shoot this video and hang out.then in two weeks on Thursday afternoon I'm going to Miami to meet a friend.
Angel:what kind of friend.
Me:my first love Eric were going to catch up in life.
Me:yeah yeah I need you to keep up with house and keep finding modeling gigs.
Angel:I never told you this but I love you and thank you.
Me:anytime ,if you need me I'm here.

Grace walked in..

Grace:so did you know we have family here.
Angel:some Maria,Mia,Naomi.
Grace:well that's nice to know.
Me:can you drop me off on Tomorrow afternoon at the airport.

I went to my room and watched TV again.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now