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3 days later june.14.2014

I did my interview were at my "surprise vacation with Drake ".

We're still on the plane.

Me:can you tell me now?
Drake:no not yet you'll see .
Drake:can't tell you but you'll like it.i promise.

I sat on his lap.and We made out.

Pilot:well be landing in 10.
Me:where are we going pilot?
Pilot:a place you'll like.

I sat down for 10 minutes.

Drake:we're here.put this on .

I put a black cloth over my eyes.

Then he picked me up ....

Drake:take off now.

I took it off.i looked at the beautiful ocean.

Me:this is beautiful thank you.
Drake:your welcome.
Me:let me take a picture of this.
Drake:ok but it's no phones allow just me and you.

We took pictures .then I gave him my phone .

We sat went inside .

Drake:well dinner is in a hour.what do you want to do?

I grabbed a activity booklet.

Me:how about Polynesian luau.
Me:let me go her dress.

I got dressed.then we walked to activity center .we watch the girls hula dance.then I went up and danced with them.then Drake danced with me.then we sat by the fire and we inside to our table.

Drake:I love you .
Me:I love you more.
Drake:you look beautiful as always .
Me:Votre beau comme toujours.
Drake:what language are you speaking?
Me:French and I said your handsome like always.
Drake:you know French?
Me:yes I learned it in high school.
Drake:that made me like you even more.
Me:this remind me of a movie when a couple are in paradise.and Look I'm here with my beautiful boyfriend .
Drake:I took you here so you can relax and not stress about things.
Me:thank you so much.
Drake:close your eyes.
Me:ok why ?

I closed my eyes

Drake:um I know we been been dating for a while but I want you to know that I love you.and I don't want you think that your like my previous relationships.I'm serious about our relationship.and I want you to be my wife ?Adrianne will you marry me?

I opened my eyes.i was shocked .

Me:wow oh my gosh are you asking me to marry you?
Drake:yes is there something wrong with that ?
Me:no I never thought in a million years someone would marry me.and yes I would marry you with all my heart.
Drake:I love you.

He picked me up (bridal style)and kissed me.

We walked back to our house.i walked to the bedroom .the bed was filled with roses making a heart.and lighted candles everywhere.then the same with the bathroom.

Me:awh thank you love.
Drake:no problem anything for you .

I closed the curtains ,windows.then I kissed Drake things went on ...

Next day june 15, 2014

I woke up to the ocean sounds.and Aubrey massaging my back.

Aubrey:good morning beautiful.
Me:good morning handsome.
Aubrey:what do you want to do?
Me:what do you want to do?
Aubrey:well let's see.relax want to go on a tour around Hawaii?
Me:yes let me get ready.
Aubrey:am I ..
Me:only if you want..

We washed up.then we kind if had make our session .then we went on a tour around the island.then we went swimming .

Aubrey:I love you.
Me:love you more .
Aubrey:our last day is tomorrow .
Aubrey:I want to take you somewhere ?
Aubrey:It's this place that helps you really release your stress.

He drove to a cliff.

Drake:want to talk about something?
Me:yes ,I wish I could kind of taking time back I wish I could do something's different.last time I seen my mom was at August 24 2001 12:30 pm.she said "I have to do the music video .when I come back we will have some mommy and daughter time".then last time she talk to me was before she left the hotel ".sometimes I wonder when Is she going to call me when she going to come back".

I cried he wrapped me in his arms.

Drake:you will see her one day.
Me:yeah when my time comes.

We walked to the car.then he drove to the house.

Me:can I get my phone.
Drake:no not yet.
Me:what, I went one day with out my phone .i have a important phone call.

He gave me my phone.i checked my phone

Me:yessssss I got it i got it !!!!
Me:i..i..um I found out that I have a investment for my third biggest company.
Drake:are you going to accept it?
Drake:well congrats.
Drake:are you tired ?
Drake:let sit outside.

Drake:marriage .
Me:you want to marry me?
Drake:yes but money want to do prenup if we get married.
Me:no because when were getting marry there's no divorcing if I get marry I'm not getting divorce because then it was a waste of money.
Aubrey:I get what your saying.
Me:if we get married I honestly don't care about the money .i have money.you have money .if we have kids I doubt that because its not the time to have kids.and lets take it slow.
Me:let me go pack.

I packed my bags up.Then I cooked.

Aubrey:what wrong ?
Me:thinking about the interview about kids I never talked about that.i don't really have time for kids.and don't get me wrong i love children.its just..
Aubrey:I'm not looking forward to having kids so early but I don't mind.
Me:I don't either but if I have a child I'm not going to get rid of it.
Aubrey:I'm ok with that.

I wash up then I laid in bed listen to some music and singing.then I fell asleep .

June 16, 2014

I woke up with Aubrey arm around me .he was sleeping so peacefully .i got up I changed into my swim suit.and I walked into the ocean.then I floated then I walked to the beach.then I sat outside and took pictures then I posted them."no need of makeup".

Drake:good morning.
Me:good morning.
Drake:your up so early .
Me:yeah I came out here.we might have to leave early like in a few hours.
Drake:ok jet will be ready in three hours.
Me:ok I have to go to Back home.
Drake:ok that's fine I have to go to Toronto .you have to meet my mom one day.
Drake:let me get pack.
Me:let me check the house so we don't miss anything.

I looked around everywhere.

The we ate then we went on the plane.

Few hours later..were home.

We ran into the airport being chase by paparazzi's.then we got in the car.He dropped me off.

I got read for tomorrow me and my girls (leah,Maria,Erin) are having gathering since its been a little while we seen each other.

I checked then house .then I unpack.then I went on Instagram.i posted a few pictures.i looked at my account .300 pictures 3.3m 1000 following .i posted picture of me in my bikini .

Then I checked my email.no more photoshoots for a while.i called Leah since I have talked to her in a few days.

Leah:hey I been calling you .
Me:yeah I was in Hawaii with Drake .
Leah:what you didn't tell me?
Me:I didn't know either .and he .....propose to me.
Leah:oh my gosh (she screamed)
Me:yeah you want to go on your with me?
Leah:yeah your interview are you pregnant ?
Me:no no no .
Leah:that lady was personal.
Me:very .
Leah:I'll talk to you later I'm in a session.
Me:ok bye

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now