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December 13 2014

it's Hanukkah .I'm in Toronto with Aubrey with his family .I'm getting ready for dinner.

Me:I'm so nervous for dinner.
Aubrey:don't be nervous .

We sat down and ate then we talked about what happened.

I went to the bathroom.then I help clean up.

I sat down with Aubrey little cousin hope 8 ,Alicia 7,and Candice 9.

Me:hi hope Alicia and Candice .
Candice:hey Adrianne
Candice:wanna build a snowman with us?
Me:sure let me go put my coat on.

I bumped into Aubrey .

Aubrey:everything alright ?
Me:yes I'm taking hope ,Candice Alicia,Ezee outside to build a snow man.

We build a snow man.

Hope:think fast .

We had a snow ball fight.

Aubrey POV

I watched Adrianne play with the kids.

Steve: Drake .
Me:hey uncle Steve
Steve:you got a beautiful girl what more can you ask for?
Me:thinking about how good of a mom she would be
Steve:I'm sure you'll both be great parents .
Me:I am .
Steve:I'm proud of you .

I went outside and I hugged Adrianne.

Adrianne:I love you but I'm sorry for doing this.

She threw a snowball.

Me:it's on .

We had a snowball fight.then we went in.and sat down.

Me:that was fun.
Me:want something warm to drink ?
Adrianne:yes warm cocoa with extra marshmallow .

I got the drinks then I sat down.


She laid her head on me.i whispered

Me:are you ready to go?
Adrianne:kind of I'm sleepy.when ever your ready.
Me:ok grab your purse and put you coat on I'll go and get the car.

I got the car and drove up to the door.where she was standing.

adrianne:it was nice being with your family .their so sweet especially Candice,hope ,Alicia and Ezee.
Adrianne:excited for tomorrow.
Adrianne:because I get to go to sleep all day.

I looked over she was sleep.

I drove home.i opened the doors.then I picked Adrianne up .i put her pajamas on then I put her in the bed.and I washed up and fell asleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now