New years

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December 31, 2015

Aubrey and I can't celebrate new year together because he's on tour.i barely see him but when we do its all happiness .so I guess I'll celebrate it with my friends in Los Angeles .I'm not really feeling good about today.

I got ready to go out with my friends Leah,tonya, and Austin .

I picked Austin up .

Then I went to then party.

Austin:come on let's dance Leah.
Leah:ok come on Adrianne .

I went on the dance floor.then we went to the table .

Tonya:it's time for the shots .
Leah:take it to the liver.
Austin:turn up.
Tonya:Adrianne its your turn?
Me:not feeling it.
Leah:come on its New Year's Eve last moments of this year.

I drunk about 2 little shots...

I went to get me something to drink.(water)

Then I danced again .

I texted everyone happy new years

Austin:your wasted lets go home.

He dropped me off.then I took a shower and passed out in the bed.

January 1st 2015

I woke up with a terrible head ache.i threw up like about 5 times in 10 minutes.i washed ip and drove to the store(picked up some test) i took medicine the tested .then I checked my phone .i seen 20 notifications and 5 messages from Aubrey .

Aubrey:hey are you in L.A. Still?
Me:yes I'm here until tomorrow.whats up?
Aubrey:I need to see you.
Me:ok when.
Aubrey:I'll be over.
Me:let me get ready.

it said positive (8 weeks) I ate some pancakes.then Aubrey walked in.i ran into his arms.

Me:hey baby I made you some pancakes and I have done good news.
Aubrey:hey no thanks
Me:what's wrong?
Aubrey:listen i know we barely have time for each other when I'm on one side of the U.S.your on the other.we never get to see each other.
Me:ill try to work something out.but I'm busy like crazy for this month I can't squeeze anything in I'm sorry .usually I can just fly where your at .
Aubrey:can we just call it off for now.until We are stable .
Me:it's either your with me or not. we can't just be together when I see you.our relationship is good out of the blue you want to break up with me.

It was silent
Me:I'm sorry I don't have time for us.listen when you were my age your career was going crazy.well I'm at my moment.and I have to do what I have to do to get paid.
Me:do you want the ring back?
Aubrey:you can keep it.
Me:just know I have something you will never see.
Aubrey:as in what are you talking about.
Me:get out please.

I walked in the kitchen .threw all my plates on the ground.

I went to the doctor in disguise and I got the baby removed.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now