The birth of Princess

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January 15, 2017

Im in is my due day.I'm so excited and bag is pack.

I just got ready.I'm laying down in the bed.

Me:do you like me better pregnant or no?
Drake:no I think your bipolar when your pregnant.
Me:well in a few days or weeks I'll be having this baby.
Drake:Im so excited.
Me:I'm not ready to go through all that pain.

I heard the door bell ring.drake walked to the door.

Drake:Tania is here.

I walked to the living room.

Me:hey so glad your here in Toronto because I need my hair done before the baby comes.
Tania:want it braided.

She braided my hair.

Tania:call me when the baby is here.
Me:ok thank you.

I rechecked the bag.i looked at the baby room it was a princess themed.

Drake:what is our baby going to look like.
Me:I have no idea.

I cooked something to eat.we ate.

Hours later....11:37pm

I woke up from a good sleep.i walked to the kitchen to get me a drink.then I walked to the bathroom.i used the restroom then i washed my hands.then out of the blue I felt something wet on my foot.i looked at the ceiling no leakage.

I yelled

Me:Aubrey my water just broke .

He rolled over.

Me:get up.
Aubrey:I'm up.

I put my clothes on.then I put my boots and coat on.

Aubrey grabbed the bag and carseat.then drove to the hospital.

They put me in a room laid me down.check on me.

Four hours later...

Princess Aaliyah Graham was born January 16th 2017 4:12am.
6 pounds and 24 ounces

I was moved to a private room.i washed up got dressed well into pajamas.then Ms.Graham came to visit.Leah walked in.

Leah:she's so small.
Me:I know right.
Leah:she's a split made of you and Drake.
Me:I know but she look exactly like my mom when she was first born.her eyes are gray.
Leah:how did it go Drake?
Drake:I almost fainted.
Me:it was so funny to me.
Leah:she's a cool baby.
Me:I know she doesn't really cry unless she's hungry or need a change.
Leah:she has a lot of hair.
Me:nurse said she had about two inches of hair.
Leah:I just wanna ask something did it hurt.
Me:sort of but I had a five hour labor.
Leah:I'm just still thinking princess Aaliyah .royalty of the exalted one.
Me:that's her name.
Drake:she does come from a beautiful talented mother.
Me:I know.
Leah:she comes from a beautiful blood line.

Nurse:Mrs.Graham did you want to have a tutoring of breast feeding?

I learned and stuff the I went back into the room.


Leah:hey grace.

Leah handed princess to grace.

Grace:she too cute.
Me:I already have a hundred of pictures of her.
Grace:ready for number two.
Me:maybe in a year or two years.i want them to be close.
Me:Leah would you like to be princess god mommy?
Leah:yes I would love to be princess god mom.
Leah:I have a flight to catch to LosAngeles in a hour.i really just wanted to see my little god daughter.
Me:ok call me when you land.
Me:ok see you later.

Grace:she is so cute.
Me:how's angel?
Grace:she's great actually but she is huge.
Me:she's not that big.

She showed me a picture.

I seen the door open it was chubbs.

Me:hey chubbs.
Chubbs:hey Adrianne congrats.
Drake:what's up?
Chubbs:your a dad now?
Drake:yeah man.
Chubbs:no one believes it.
Drake:well it's true.
Chubbs:can I see her?

Grace gave princess to chubbs.

Me:grace can you pass me the MacBook.

I got my MacBook then I FaceTime Abulita.

Me:hello how were you abulita?
Abulita:good can i see the baby?
Me:I'm not holding her right.

Chubbs:you can see her.

He brung her to me.

Me:abulita this is princess Aaliyah graham.
Abulita:she's is beautiful.
Abulita:was she born today?
Me:yes at 4:12am.
Abulita:I can't wait to see her in person.
Ms:I know.

Me:hey your are so big.
Angel:I know I feel like I'm going to explode.
Me:I have to come and see you before the baby comes.
Angel:I know still wondering when is grace going to have kids.
Grace:your two kids are enough for me.
Angel:tell Drake hey.

Me:Drake angel said hey.
Drake:hey were going to get something to eat.
Me:I want some pizza.
Me:I want go on a walk.with baby.

I grabbed my phone keys then I walked in the hallway.

Dr.lorenzo:taking the baby for a little walk.

Me:are you secretly dating Chubbs?
Grace:no why?
Me:your dating him.
Grace:why are you so convinced that we go together.
Me:I just know.

We walked back in the room.chubbs & Drake was taking their coat off.

We ate some pizza.

Then I changed princess diapers.

Grace:hey I have to go back to LA.
Me:ok I'll miss you.
Grace:I like being with y'all but I have a party to host tomorrow.
Me:ok well enjoy yourself lil sister.
Grace:I will ,take care of princess.
me:ok see you later.
Grace:alright bye

She left out.

Chubbs:I'll let y'all have some bonding with princess.
Me:thanks for visiting us.
Chubbs:your welcome.see y'all later.

He left.

Me:are you sleepy
Me:I'm the one that had to push out a baby.i should be the one sleepy.ill go get you a cover.

I walked to the closet and grabbed a blanket.

I laid down.and I went on the phone and took some pictures of me.then I post a rare picture if me and my mom.

"Happy birthday to the most humble talented beautiful woman are my inspire me everyday to make music thats unique.i wish you was here so we could both be in the music industry.But until I reach the beautiful place your at I'm going to hold it down just for you.happy birthday to you mommy😘👼.your first granddaughter Princess was also born on this beautiful day.
1•16•79 & 1•16•17

I watched tv coming across...

Reporter:we have news that singer Adrianne and Toronto's rapper Drake are at Toronto's hospital.drake and his friend were seen getting pizza and returning to the hospital.witnesses say that Adrianne and the baby are just fine.she post a picture saying happy birthday to her late mother Aaliyah she said that the baby name was princess .and all of their friends has visited the hospital including Adrianne's sister Grace Rodriguez she's an Los Angeles model,drake's producer 40 and producer Leah and drakes mother Ms.Graham.

Me:for three hours princess name was baby girl graham.

I FaceTime Jay.

Me:I want you to meet someone.

I showed him Princess.

Me:can you be Princess God Dad?
Jay:yes she is so beautiful.
Me:I know
Jay:what's her middle name?

I washed up.then I changed into some pajamas.i fell asleep.

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