My birthday!!!!

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October 20, 2013

I'm in Las Vegas.its my 21st birthday .everyone is come except Drake.

I put my makeup on.then I took a picture and post it on Instagram .
I walked out and made my entrance.i met everyone.then I started dancing..a man wrapped his arms around me i turned around it was Drake.

Me:hey I thought you couldn't come because the tour.
Drake:I was joking I wouldn't miss your birthday .
Drake:happy birthday angel.

We danced .

Then I drunk my first drink .

Then I partied all through out night.

I went back to the hotel.

I washed up.

I got a knock on the door .i opened it.

Me:what's up?

He walked in then he locked the door.

Drake:I brung your gift.
Me:what is it?
Drake:I have something for you.
Me:oooo what is it?
Drake:here you go.

He handed me .a bag .i took a box out and opened was Christian Louboutin pumps.

Me:how did you know?
Drake:I find my ways.

Then I opened the other box.

Me:Lingerie .
Drake:go put it on.
Drake:see if it fit.

I tried it on.i looked at my self in the mirror.

Drake yelled "you need help."

Me:no I just don't want to come outside.
Me:I don't know.

I walked out.

Drake:damn you are sexy.
Drake:come closer.

I walked closer.

I sat on his lap .He kissed me.

Drake:your body is Amazing.
Me:thank you.
Drake:I wish you could be mine already.
Me:well..I'm only going to make you want me more than you do now.
Drake:that's fine long as I have you.
Me:thanks for my gift.
Drake:your welcome.

He kissed me.then he grabbed my butt.

Drake:goodnight Adrianne.
Me:good night.hey what are you doing for your birthday?
Drake:it's in Toronto this year at a club.

I closed the door.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now