His birthday

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Next day October 21,2013

I went out with Leah,Lori to the spa.then we went to the mall.then we ate.

Leah:we're about to get drunk and party.
Lori:and hookah bar
Me:one of the best.
Leah:so how did last night go?
Me:good and FYI we just talked.

Later that day.

We went to the hookah bar.

We smoked then we went to a night club.i started dancing.then someone hands slide across my back.i turned around.

Trey:are you going to Drakes party?
Me:I'll see you there.

We took picture then we departed.

I danced and so on..

October 24,2013

In Toronto .I'm driving to drakes birthday party now.....I walked in I seen Drake sitting outside.

I walked up to him.

Me:happy birthday birthday man.
Drake:thank you celebrating another 27 years.

We took pictures.

I danced with a few friends.then I talked to chubbs,40.then I took shots.i was wasted.at the end of the party.i drove to his house.i knocked on the door.

Drake:hey .
Me:hey here's your gift.
Me:I had to tell you something?

I seen that there were people inside (sound like girls talking)

Drake:what is it?
Me:I I .. Never mind.see you around.

I walked off the porch towards my car.


He walked towards me.and he kissed me.

Drake:I love you.
Me:I love you too.

I got in my car.i packed my things up then I flew to NYC.I'm home.

I went on Instagram and uploaded some pictures of me."he's my dream man No names"
Then I made a video.

I read some of the comments.

Q:who is your man crush?
A:Drake I'm in love with him .ill marry him.lol.
Q:do you read all of your comments for your photos?
A:yes I read them some are ignorant and some are sweet I thank you for the sweet comments.

& more

I got up and I went to the studio and listen to my songs for the album.

I decided to name my album confessions.

I put them on sound cloud.

I checked my email.i have a lot of photo shoots now.and their all are in NYC .then some artist want to work with me like Ciara,nicki,big Sean.i accepted them .ill fly to La in a week or so .then this week I have all photo shoots.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now