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August 26, 2017

I just came back from a performance out of state.lately me and Aubrey have been on rocks he has been very secretive.I'm trying to figure him out while I'm taking care of the baby.

I just got off the plane I have Princess with me.I'm waiting on Aubrey to pick us up.while I see flashes from the outside of the airport.i ran to the car with Princess.then he drove back to the house.

I put Princess back to sleep then I got ready for bed and I went to bed.

I woke up at 2:30pm.i washed up.then I cooked breakfast.then we sat at the table and ate.

Me:Aubrey I noticed your being secretive what's wrong?
Aubrey:I should just tell you I feel like I'm not meant to be married.i-I just want to be free.

He slid a divorce paper .

Me:your so damn selfish.
Aubrey:I can explain.
Me:I don't think you can really can explain to me.that you want to split up our family we made.are you cheating on me?

I got up I went to Princess room.i kissed her on the forehead I headed to my closet I grabbed my bag of clothes.

Aubrey:where are you going?
Me:somewhere.Princess milk is in her bag.there are plenty of diapers.she gets feed every four to five hours.i just fed her.

I went to my office I got $400 out then I called Leah.

Leah:hey what's wrong??
Me:remember when you said we should take a road trip?
Me:let's go now.
Leah:ok I'll be home in thirty minutes.

I drove to her house and I waited.she finally pulled up.we went inside and she started packing her bag.

Leah:what's wrong?
Me:Aubrey he slid the divorce papers saying he doesn't feel like he's not meant to be married.
Leah:why would he say that?
Me:he's been secretive for a little while.
Leah:he's cheating on you.
Me:I would hate to think that but you might be right.
Leah:where are we going?
Me:I don't know Beverly Hills Las Vegas. .
Leah:Las Vegas.ill drive.

We left out the house.we prayed.then we started driving to Las Vegas .

Leah:so you left Princess alone with him.
Me:he never with us.lately I been in NewYork he's been in California doing nothing.besides he know how to take care of her.

were half way there and then a animal hit the car.we stopped just in time.she continued driving.

Leah:Between you and me,Tee been acting funny.
Me:I don't talk to her like that anymore.
Leah:It's like she trying to stay for fame.
Me:well she'll be waiting a fortune.
Leah:let her think she's still on.

I looked at the desert.which was dark then we went pass a few towns.then leah was driving on a ramp and I seen head light coming towards us.the car started spinning then the car dropped my side.then i blacked out.

I had a dream that I was on a cloud it floated to a larger cloud.I walked to the golden gates.they opened then i seen my mom Rico my grandpa Michael .i ran to my mom.

Mom:hey baby how are you doing?

We walked down a long street there were many big mansions.
we catched up on life.then she told me life lessons.then we walked into her house.she gave me a bracelet.

Mom:this bracelet is mines its my favorite.it keeps me safe.
Me:thank you.

We walked back to the front.

Mom:princess is very beautiful.
Me:she's reminds me of you so much.
Mom:I know I watch over her all the time.
Me:I wish you was back on earth.
Mom:I suppose to be here you will be up here soon one day.
Me:I love you mommy.
Mom:I love you too.i was going to name you Kahea or Raine.
Me:what does it mean?
Mom:kahea mean call of the heavens Raine is queen in Spanish.well that was your dad idea.
Mom:I'll see you later.

I gave her hug.and a kiss then a bright flashlight.

???:ma'm are you ok?we are the ambulance.

I couldn't feel anything.they put me on a bed.then carried me in the truck.they rushed me to the hospital.then the put me to sleep.i could hear voices saying my heart stopped and that I'm not going to make it.then I didn't hear anything.i heard my mom voice.

Me:was I in heaven.
Mom:yes you were visiting.you have many good things coming towards you.
Me:I'm feeling terrible.I'm probably going to divorce.
Mom:yes you are but you have many great things coming and you will marry a man that need to be married to.but he will become your best friend first.

I opened my eyes.i was in the room.i got up.and I walked to the lobby nobody was in room.i looked at the tv.i seen the news they said I was dead.

I looked outside I seen paparazzi's.i walked to the main lobby.i seen all of my family members.abulita was holding princess.the doctors was standing near them.they looked at me.

Dr:I'm sorry She didn't make it.

Me:I did.

He turned around me.

Dr:you heart completely stopped beating.your a miracle.
me:I know.
Dr:I did xrays it said your right leg was broken and you had bruises on your arms.
Me:I can walk perfectly.and I don't have any bruises.

Me:nana can you come here?

We walked near a room.

Nana:I'm so glad your here.
Me:we were going on the ramp and a car was speeding.when the car was spinning I had a dream I went to heaven I talked to my mom.we catch up on life.she gave me this bracelet.
nana:it wasn't a dream.
Me:she told me I had many good things coming my way.
Nana:what was you doing out here?
Me:i was mad at aubrey and me and leah started driving.I'm getting a divorce.aubrey feels like he not meant to be married.we just been on a bumpy road this last few months.I'm tired.
Nana:do what your heart feels.just don't be mean to each other for Princess.

I hugged her.

We walked back to the lobby.

Me:doctor can I get my clothes.
Dr:they are in your room.ill go get the discharge papers.
Me:ok thank you.Aubrey can you come with me.

We walked to the room.i changed into my outfit.i stood over my bag.i grabbed the divorce paper.then I took my ring off.i grabbed my bag.

Me:here you go.
Aubrey:what's this?
Me:the main reason why I'm here.i just hope we can raise our daughter the best way possible.i tried to be the best wife I could be.but it wasn't enough for you.

I kissed him on the cheek then I left.i went to the desk and ask if Leah was on this level.they said she was released.

I walked to the elevators.then I got off at the main lobby.

Rashad:where is drake?
Me:I don't know I left him in the room.

Abulita:are you going with us.

Me:can you come to LA more often?
Me:ever since I been moving places i haven't really got to see you.I'm sorry about not talking to you.
nana:it's ok let's get out of this hospital.

I hugged my nana and uncle then We left out of the hospital.i got I got The truck.then we drove back home.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now